We're Going To Be Late

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Hey there friends! 😝

What's up hopefully you all had a good weekend.

I just want to dedicate this chapter to my friend vanessabaer. You should all go and read her book 'By chance' she is a really good writer.

Please ignore any spelling mistakes I try my best to fix them all but I do miss some once in a while.

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Chapter 3

Thursday Morning

Jet's POV

'Awwwww' I yawned as I woke up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with one hand and searching my night stand for my phone with the other, struggling to find it as I am still half asleep.

Let me tell you I am not a morning person neither is Gabby. Somedays I swear I could sleep through the whole day. I love my sleep! The worst part of my day is waking up to my stupid alarm clock... Alarm clock... WAIT OMG MY ALARM DIDN'T GO OFF THIS MORNING I AM GOING TO BE SO LATE FOR SCHOOL!

I picked up my phone and rushed to Gabby's room to wake her up. But before I went to her room I rushed down stairs to turn the tea pot on.

You can't leave the house without a cup of tea, right.

After that I ran up the stairs, almost loosing my balance and falling down, but thanks to the hand railing I didn't. Once I reached Gab's door, I ran straight in and jumped on her bed.

"GABBY! GABBY! YOU GOTTA WAKE UP WE ARE GPING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I screamed at her while shaking her. "URGHHH! COME ON GAB'S WAKE UP!" I pleaded.

"Awe... five more minutes" she replied rolling over into her stomach

"NO UP NOW!" I said getting off her bed and pulling the blankets off of her. She still didn't budge. See like I told you not a morning person. "YOU BETTER BE UP WHEN I COME OUT OF THE SHOWER." I yelled at her before leaving the room.

Gabby's POV

"Awe... five more minutes" I told Jet before turning over again.

I really hate mornings. I would prefer sleeping all day than having to wake up. I was just starting to doze off again when Jet started to yell at me again.

"NO UP NOW!" She said getting off of my bed and pulling the blankets off of me. Really didn't she understand five more minutes. Even though she pulled the blankets off of me I didn't move.

"YOU BETTER BE UP WHEN I COME OUT OF THE SHOWER." She yelled at me before leaving the room.

I slowly started to wake up, once she left me alone. I sat on the side of my bed. Stretched my arms out and yawn. I looked over at my night stand, that had my iPhone dock on it and a lamp. I took my iPhone off the dock was shocked to see all the texts I had.

(Ok I just made up a bunch of names to be her friends but these names will be important later on in the story)

From: Lucy

Good luck! We are so proud of you! Love ya ❤ Have fun in London!

From: Peyton

I wish I was going to London with you 😢 but since i can afford a ticket I will be relying on videos, picture and tones of phone calls. Love ya ❤

From: Jess

Have fun in London! Don't fall in love with some British boy without me 😋 lol Love ya loads ❤

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