The light blue cast

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Hey there fellow readers :) This chapter is kinda a continuation of the last chapter i updated today and it will be longer than the last one. I feel so bad that i havent updated and have been thinking about this book for awhile. I think that i just needed to take a quike break to re-group and re-think where this story was going. I am working on getting back on a updating schedual like I had before, trying to update atleaste 2 times a week, but woth school it can get tought sometimes. So... here's Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(This is going to start after she was brought to the hospital and is in a bed waking up. I was finding it too hard to write about this and i felt like it was kinda dragging on and this is the only way i could get back on track)

Gabby POV

I opened my eyes to be encountered with a wave of bright light. I looked around me to  see that i was in a small room with bleach white walls and a ugly colored curtain hagning by the door. My surroundings seemed so odd yet familar. Just then it hit me (just like the camera lol) I was in a hospital in London. I'm not too sure how i got here but the last thing that i remmember is being mobbed by paparazzi and fans at the airport... and I guess it didnt go to well considering the situation I am in at the moment. 

I was just looking around the room when i finally pieced together what had happened...

A pap was trying to get a picture of the "misterious girls" that were leaving the airport with the world famous boy band "One Direction" when one of them got a little too close to me and bumped me (more like hit, smashed, slapped...) me with their camera. I was falling to the ground but i dont remember anything after that. I am assuming that once they noticed that i had fallen to the ground that they brought me here. 

(this next part will be Gabby having a conversation with herself in her head)

Were is everyone? Did they stay to see if i was ok or did they leave?

They probably left? They are celebrities after all, they wouldnt care about an average girl like me.

But then again we did hit it off pretty well on the plane... it was as if we had been accepted into their little group. Plus Harry was being really sweet and carring to me, I was starting to see who he actually is... Not the "flirt" and "player" that all the magazines play him out to be. He is really sweet and for some odd reason I thought that he might have a crush on me.

What are you saying he could have any girl in the whole wide world... why would he pick you? You are just a normal girl, not speacial or famous, not rich or beautiful. So why bother right?

Dont get your hopes up...

I guess that in the middle of all those thoughts i hadnt heard the door open, cause next thing i know is i'm hearing a loud sight of releif fill the room. I looked over to the door too see all the boys, except Niall as expected, Paul and Jet followed by a nurse. They all entered the room and came over to my bed side. They all had muttered a quick hello along with a message like "thank god you are ok" or "you had us worried".

After that Jet came over and gave me a hug. As i was wrapping my arms around her i realised the new accessorie that I now modeled on my arm. A light blue cast that went from my hand to just before my elbow. I finished hugging her, not trying to make such a big deal about the cast, but i guess everyone sort of noticed my shocked expression that had replaced my old happy one with. So before i could even get a word in the nurse came over to me to tell me what was up. 

"Hello my name is Sarah and i have been taking care of you since you have gotten here. Your friends here were trying to help me understand what had happened to you so we could treat you properly. First off they told me that you were getting mobbed at the airport after comming off a 8 hour flight from Canada, am i correct" i shook my head 'yes' " they told me that from what they saw was that you were either blinded or hit by one of the camera's and then proceede to fall to the ground" i nodded my head once aging in reply to what she had said. "Once you had fallen you where knocked uncontious and then brought here for medical assistance. We have cocluded that you have suffered a minor concusion and have a broken wrist. You need to keep your cast on for 2 weeks and then go to a hospital to get it remouved. We have also perscribed some pain medication for you. You are not obligated to take it, but when the pain becomes unberable we sugest taking one tablet to sooth it." she said as she scribebled down a piece of paper the name of the med along with her signature before handing it to me. "You are aloud to leave now but before you leave the premises you will need to sign out at the front desk." she then held out her hand for me to shake, which i gladly took. "That will be all, I wish you a speady recovery, Ms. Roberts." she then send me a kind smile before leaving the room.

Just after she left the room everyone was still standing in the same possition, not moving once or even making an effort to leave this hospital, so i decided to stand up and start to leave. I was just about out the door when I heard Louis call from behind me. "Somebody's eager to get out of here" before they all followed behind me. 

After going to the front desk to sign my release forms we started to make our way to the exit. This time we had the driver bring the car out to the back exit so that we could avoid all of the chaos that had caused this incident to happen in the first place. 

The second that i had sat down in the car, i tossed over so that i was up against the window. I rested my head on the frosty window, the feeling bringing back the conforting feeling of a canadian winter. I had closed my eyes as the engin started and we made our way out of the hospital parking lot, to whatever hotel or house or wherever we will be staying during the next couple days. 

I'm not to sure when the jetlag had fully hit me but when it did it hit me like a bus. My eyelids felt like they weighed a ton.

Before we had left the hospital i had taken one of my pain pills and by now i had no pain at all and wierdly enought it felt like my arm had already been repaired and was back too normal. I didnt want to fall asleep but before i couldnt even get through the third song that was quietly playing on the radio before I fell asleep. But even in my slumber i felt the light kiss that was pressed to my temple, along with his kind words...

"Sweet dreams Gabby"

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So as promissed this is sort of a second part to Chapter 14. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. This was probably one of the easiest chapter i have written so far. I will try and update evryday that i dont have homework or if i have a spare at school and no other work to do. I do need to update more often to make up from my long absence. I would like to start these type of shout out things in my author's notes, if its a story that you think i should read or if you have written your own story and want to get it out there for people i would be happy to help. 

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Natalie <3

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