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Hey guys sorry I haven’t updated much this week. I had a rough week, with homework and I caught a cold. So hopefully this will make your Friday. TGIF! Lol

Enjoy :)

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Chapter 13 

Gabby’s POV

Airport security, were our lifesavers today. The crowd of fans that had gathered to meet the boys weren’t all the calm. They were jumping and hollering at all of us. Pushing against the barricades, which would make the boys security guards less and less patient. At this point the jet lag from the long flight was beginning to set in and with that all of our patient was fading.

I guess I need to get used to this because who know one day all these people might be here waiting for me. We finally managed to get through the crowd of screaming fans, but on the way to the car the paparazzi decided to make an appearance. They were blocking our way to the room were the boys family and I am assuming our driver were waiting for us.

 After lots of pushing and shoving we had finally made it. Everyone let out a loud sight off relief as the door closed behind us. “Wow” was all Jet and I could get out of our mouths. There wasn’t anyway to describe the situation out there. It’s hard to understand that this is ‘NORMAL’ for them.

 “Well the crowd did get pretty aggressive today, they normally aren’t that bad cause they know we can’t stop and take pictures if they do.” Zayn said quickly before he kissed Perrie on the cheek.

 Oh ya… I forgot to mention all of the boys family members were in the room. Some of the moms were shedding tears of joy, seeing their baby boys for the first time in a long time. Hugs and kisses were being exchanged. And you could tell that even the scene that happened outside couldn’t destroy this moment.

 Jet who was once at Liam’s side, before he was engulfed in hugs, came to stand beside me. We both felt like outsiders. Both wondering how we were getting to the hotel, so that would could go and sleep. I put my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes for a couple seconds before Louis started to scream both our names.

 Reluctantly I opened my eyes only to be greeted by all the eyes in the room on us. I was going to ask him why we were here and when we could go to the hotel. But he cut off my though process. “Everyone this is Gabrielle” Harry says walking towards me and placing his arm over the opposite shoulder that I had glued to Jet’s side. “And this is her sister Bridget” Liam finished his sentence and walked to Jet’s side.

 “This girl right here is going to be opening up for us on tour!” Louis screamed out as he ran to our side of the room and stood beside Harry.

 “Don’t say that,” I told him “I didn’t even audition yet and you are going to jinx it.”

“As if that’s possible, you have one of the best voices I have ever heard. No offence Perrie.” He said to me but then quickly glanced over at his girl. They are so cute together, the definition of a perfect couple and I hope that one day I can have a relationship like they have.

We all talked amongst each other for a little because security had informed us that the crowd outside the airport was still to wild for us to leave. Everyone was so nice, I was having an amazing conversation with Perrie about singing and what type of song I could chose, when Paul came in the room.

“Ok everyone ready to go?” we all nodded our heads excited and relieved to be going home. “This is the plan, every boy is to travel out with their own family. We will go in this order; Louis, Liam, Harry and then Zayn. You will each have a member of security with you plus your bodyguard. I’m going to walk with girls in the middle of the group. If it gets to be too much, just do the signal and we will get you out of there as soon as possible.” Once again everyone shook their heads, this was probably a regular drill for them. But for Jet and I this was a lot of getting used too.

“Don’t worry you will be safe with Paul and just remember I will be right behind you.” Harry whispered in my ear before heading over to his family. He sent me a reassuring glance, a small smirk on his face. I was about to smile back at him, to show him I was ok, but before I knew it we were out of our safe room and thrown into the chaos.

Just like the last time, the flashes of the cameras were going off like mad and the pushing was causing us to tumble in every direction. Paul kept a strong grip on my arm as well as Jet. Helping us make our way through the all the mayhem around us. Once we got out of the building we realised that there was just as many people waiting out there. They were crowding around the cars, blocking our way.

Fans were screaming the boy’s names. Trying there best to get the boys attention but they all looked down not even looking up for a moment. I wonder why? I was curious to see how far we had left till we met the safety of the cars, but once I looked up and my vision was blinded. I started to feel dizzy. The constant flashes of light making me loose my balance and begin to fall backwards. I was waiting for the impact of my body against the ground. But if it did or didn’t I don’t remember…

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OHHHHH! What going to happen next chapter?

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I had too. What do you think will happen to Gabby? Comment your thoughts and I might take some off your suggestions… Hope you all enjoy it and will keep reading.  




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