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Hey :) I don’t have much to say up here this time but I will post an authors note at the bottom so read that one if you want... Let's get to it... here's Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Gabby's POV

I wake up to here loud banging of pot and pans followed by a bunch of curse words. Sitting up in the bed and looking around at my surroundings to see that I am in a bedroom at what I presume is the hotel we are staying at. I don't know how I got here, or even changed out of my cloths from yesterday into my PJ'. I guess that that medication they gave me knocked me out pretty good.

I lifted up my hand that didn’t have the cast on it to wipe the crud out of my eyes and then push back my mess that I call hair. I looked over at the clock to see that it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Wow I slept through more than half of the day. I guess I sort of needed it thought. 

Lifting my legs to the side of the bed and carefully getting up from underneath the warm comforters. Why is it so hard to get out of bed? Sometimes I wish I could just live underneath my blankets in the comfort of my own bed for the rest of my life. After I had successfully got up I walked over to my suitcase that had been neatly placed on a chair at the other end of the room. I opened it and began to search for my slippers. Once I finally found my slippers (they look like a pair of gray UGGS but are made for indoors) I made my way to the door.

Across the hall from my room was the bathroom and next to it was what I was assuming to be Jet's room. I bet she is still asleep, but then again I did hear noises come from what I am assuming was the kitchen. I was so in a daze, still tired and sleepy that I didn’t bother to realise that I was walking down a flight of stairs until I heard a British accent "Oh, look who's finally up?” I look up from the floor, which I was once staring at aimlessly, making sure that what I had heard actually happened, and wasn’t a hallucination. 

And just like I expected I saw Harry standing there with a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "I thought I would make some food. Sorry if I woke you, just dropped a pot." he told me. Only then did I notice that he was wearing an apron that said 'I'M A BAKER' which made me slightly chuckle. I tried to cover up my laughter but I wasn’t to good cause he noticed and quickly replied that his mom and sister gave it to him for his birthday the year he got his job at the bakery. By then he had finished whatever he was making and put some on two plates that he set on the edge of the countertop. 

On the plates were some type of pasta noodles and a red sauce with some meat. Mmm… My favourite. Pasta is my favourite type of food. If I could eat it everyday I would. Quickly thanking him for sharing his food with me I started to dig in. Devouring every single bite even before he could sit down beside me. I set down my fork and with that came a small clank, which in this quiet room seamed louder than it actually was. "So where are the others" I asked, as I looked over at Harry as he was sitting down beside me. 

He quick finished chewing the bite of pasta that he had in his mouth. Realising that it was kinda stupid of me to ask him a question when he was clearly busy. But before I could tell him that I was going to let him finish before he needed to answer me he said "Zayn, Niall and Louis are next door at Zayn, Niall and Liam's flat playing FIFA and working on some song lyrics. And your sister and Liam went out, I think it was a date or something but I’m not too sure, they left about an hour ago. They had offered me to come along with them but I decided that I should stay behind in case you woke up and plus i think in reality they wanted to be alone but were just being polite." I nodded my head at him and decided that I was going to leave him to eat. 

Walking over to the other side of the countertop and into the kitchen where the sink was after gathering up my dished. I was about to rinse my plate clean but then quickly realised that I wasn’t going to be able too since I couldn’t get my cast wet. "Urgh... Sorry Harry I think that I’m going to have to leave the dishes to you. As much as I would like to help, this stupid thing..." I said pointing to my cast "... won't let me." 

"It's fine. I wasn’t going to let you help even if you could. Just put it in the sink and go relax. I’ll join you when I'm done."

Following his orders I placed my plate carefully in the sink and then started my search for the nearest bathroom so I could finally look myself in the mirror. I started by walking away from the kitchen and the staircase that let upstairs.

I opened several doors, one was a closet for storage, another was some type of lounge room/office, another was a music room and finally after trying multiple doors I found the bathroom. Turning on the light and locking the door behind me. I'm not too sure why I locked it, I was just going to wash my hands and maybe my face, there is really no need to keep anyone out. I think it's just a habit I have. Growing up with four older bothers and living in a house where your mom never knocked on a door before entering the room, make you have these types of precautious habits. 

Looking in the mirror I don’t know how Harry didn’t dye of laughter. I looked like a zombie out of the living dead. Curls were sticking up and out of every square inch of my head. Black lines from my makeup smeared across both of my cheeks. I looked like a dead clown. Laughing again I searched the drawers to find a washcloth so I could clean all this stuff off of my face, at least then I would look a little better. 

In the second drawer on the right side of the sink was where I found the facecloths. Turned on the tap and flipping the handle so that it was hot water coming out and not cold, I set the piece of fabric under it until it was a my desired temperature. Ringing in out of all the excess water. Shutting the water off. Scrubbing my face clean. 

Once that was done I realised that I had to so something with my hair. I always kept and elastic on my wrist, luckily it was on my good arm. Rolling it off of my wrist and placing it on the counter. I knew that I was going to have trouble with this. Tying your hair up is easy when you have two hands but when on of them is two times bigger than it normally is and I restrained in movement, it become a whole different ball game.

So 10 minutes later, I finally had my hair up and out of my face. It didn’t look the best and if it had only taken me a couple minutes to put it up I would have tried again. But after what I just went through undoing it was not an option. Picking up all strands of my hair that had fallen out and placing them in the garbage, before leaving to go and see Harry. 

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Hey Sorry it is a late night update... well technically it is Monday :( so everyone is in bed. But I couldn’t sleep and I need to do something so I decided to finish this. Sorry if there are any spelling errors I’m not always the best writer especially at like 12 o’clock at night.

I did say that I was going to update more this weekend but I kind of got side tracked cause I had to do lots of chores and I started reading DIVERGENT and couldn’t stop so I ended up finishing it all yesterday in like 8 hours :0


Next update will probably not be until Wednesday or even Thursday cause I am going to FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE on TUESDAY!!!! I can't wait :D 

Love you loads <3 


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