Jet and Liam?

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I'm sorry that the last two chapters were really short but this one is longer so I hope this makes it better. Thanks for reading this book so far it really means a lot to me because I never thought it was going to get this many reads.

Enjoy J

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Chapter 11

Jet's POV

London is so gorgeous. I have only seen an aerial view so far, but it has already met my expectations. I was just about to grab my bags out of the bottom of the plane and put them onto a cart, but someone got to it before me. "You didn't think I was going to let a beautiful girl like you carry your bags." He whispered onto the back of my neck. I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm not that weak you know. I can handle a couple suitcases." It told him. But he didn't listen to me he grabbed them both and placed them on the cart beside me. " You really didn't have to do that." I said while I started to push the cart towards the terminal. A slightly awkward silence set in between us. Neither of us new what to say. This was not like in the plane the whole time he had something to say, if it was joke or a funny story. But back in the plane the boys were around too and right now it was just the two off us. I was about to try and start a conversation with him, like we did in the plane, but he beat me to it.

"So why did you come here with Gabby? Like aren't your parents nervous and scared about sending their two teenage daughters half way across the world. My mum doesn't even like it when I leave to go back to my flat in London." He asked a small laugh leaving his mouth at the end of his last sentence.

"Well both of our parents work a lot, so they're never home. Gab and I basically live by ourselves, and when our parents are at home all they talk about is their jobs and how good it's going, how they got a promotion or whatever project they're working on. We can't even get a word into the sentence before they start talking again. I'm actually surprised they listened to the both of us when we told them about this trip... So I guess the fact they leave us alone all the time at home and going on this trip isn't such a big deal for them. They didn't even take the day off to drive us to the airport." I paused "You probably won't understand this but, do you ever get that feeling like no one understands you, they just don't get what you want to do in life... like it's always just you against the world?" I said finishing, I looked over at him and I could tell he was slightly shocked by the small rant I just had. He didn't respond so I took it as an opportunity to continue. "Well that's how Gabby and I feel all the time. She is the only one in the world that I can completely trust. I don't know what I would do without her, and I know she feels the same about me." I said while looking at Liam the whole time. By now we were about to walk into the terminal, but he stopped me right before the doors.

"I do get where you are coming from. I have the same relationship that you have with Gabby with the rest of the boys. They are the brother I never had, my best friends... they are the only ones in the whole entire world that go through the same things as me every single day. From rumours to hurtful comments on twitter, they always understand how I feel and they always know exactly what to say to cheer me up." He said his eyes locked with mine not looking away once. His warm brown eyes made me feel welcome and at ease. They made me understand and believe every single word he just said. And for a couple moments we just stared at each other not saying a word. Some people might find it awkward, just staring at someone. But the silence between us wasn't troublesome but more inviting.

I wish that this moment could have went on forever, that I could just stay standing in front of those doors with him but the moment was broken when a surprisingly hyper boy came running in between us, screaming "I'm going to see Eleanor! Hurry up!" and then darting into the building.

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