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Hey I'm Back :) Sorry I haven't updated in like forever and I feel so bad. I have been super busy and haven't had the time to update, plus I had a little bit of writers block.
So without further ado... here's Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Gabby's POV

Fans were screaming the boy's names. Trying there best to get the boys attention but they all looked down not even looking up for a moment. I wonder why? I was curious to see how far we had left till we met the safety of the cars, but once I looked up and my vision was blinded. I started to feel dizzy. The constant flashes of light making me loose my balance and begin to fall backwards. I was waiting for the impact of my body against the ground. But if it did or didn't I don't remember...

Harry's POV

One second flashes were going off... and then they all stopped. The crowd began to move back and then I noticed her laying there on the ground unconscious.

I'm not to sure what happened but all I care about is if shes ok.

Paul had picked her up and began to scream at the crowd to back up. I was still standing with the rest of my family, but when Paul started to run towards one of the cars I looked over at my family and sent them a apologetic look and ran after him.
The rest of the boys were just as confused as me as we all ran after her.

None of us knew exactly what happened just a couple seconds ago. Hopefully she's ok, cause I don't think I would be ok with myself if she wasn't.

Jet's POV

It felt like the world was going in slow motion. Paul picking up Gabby and running towards the car. The crowd moving back and letting us make our way through and to the car.

I hadn't noticed but Liam was waiting for me outside one of the cars. He was looking at me with a look of pure concern, as if he thought it was me that was hurt at first.

I didn't know what to do, but fall into his arms and start to cry. By now he had wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me. "It's going to be ok" he whispered to me.

Just then we heard the roar of the engine followed by the beep of the horn. "Are you coming or not?" Paul questioned us through the window he had just opened. I looked up at Liam to see what his answer was, but by then he had already opened the sliding door for me. A sweet smile plastered on his face as he said "After you". Such a gentlement I thought.

I got in the car to see that Harry was sitting in the middle row with Gabby resting on his lap. I dont think he had noticed that we were in the car yet. He was stairing down at her, her head on his lap and the rest of her body on the rest of the seat. I heard the door being shut close so i decided to make my way to the back seat.

Once everyone was seated and buckleled in in their seats we took off for the hospital. I hope she is ok. In only one more day she will be faced with the reality of why we came to London in hthe first place... her audition. She's been waiting her whole life for an opportunity like this to come around. I just hope she is going to be ok. 

I didnt know how long this ride to the nearest hospital was going to be so I laid my head on Liam's shoulder, closed my eyes and shut out everyting around me. Only listening to the steady beat of his heart...

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I know you all must hate me for not updating in like forever... this chapter is short but I am almost finished the next one cause i decided to split what I had written up into more that one part. Thank yo everyone for reading my story so far, it means alot :)

Please ignore all the spelling error I did write this on my ipod and so the spell check sucks and there is auto correct too.

(I am starting a different style of clossing these Author Notes the other one was getting boring to me :P)


Natalie <3

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