Such A Gentlemen...

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It's only been a day since I updated so I don't have much to say. Anyways hope you enjoy :)

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Chapter 12

Niall's POV

That had to be the longest plane ride of my life. Time seemed to drag on and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried sleeping. I tried listening to music. I even tried reading. Yet no matter what I did I could keep my eyes off of Gabby and Harry.

So when the pilot announced that we were about to land, I let out a sight of relief. I really need to get off this plane and just be alone.

So the second that the plane landed, I had already gathered up all my things, and rushed out of the door. Rushing to gatherer up all my bags and onto one of the awaiting carts so I didn't have to run into anyone. I know it's quite rude of me, but I am in a really bad mood right now and I need a break. I was already gone from the plane before any of the boys or Gabby and Jet had even got out.

They might look for me, wondering where I disappeared too, but who cares, I'll just send them a text saying that I needed to somewhere or something.

I was jogging towards the terminal, struggling to push the cart to the same speed. But when I set foot in the building I started to hear the screams of all the fans waiting for us. I have never came back from the plane by myself before and I don't think I can face them alone. I thought about asking for a car to come and pick me up at another door, but what type of person would I be to ignore my fans.

So I decided that I would text my brother who is supposed to pick me up and ask him where he's parked, so I can make a quick exit. He replied quickly saying he was waiting outside of the #10 door. I knew exactly where that was so I took in a deep breath and faced the loud fans by myself.

Harry POV

The plane has now landed, but I didn't want the flight to end. I bet the other boys felt the same way, well except for Niall. It seemed like he could wait to get off the plane, something must have really been bugging him because he didn't even say goodbye to us or maybe he was late for something, we'll just ask him later.

We were all starting to file out off the plane. Gathering all our belonging along the way. Louis and Zayn could help but smile cause they new that both of their girlfriends were waiting for them. I hope that one day I can have a relationship like them, one day. Maybe it will be with Gabby. She's an amazing girl and I really like her, and it kinda scares me a little. Anyways I pushed that all aside knowing that this week I was determined to convince Simon or whomever I needed too, to get Gabby the spot as our opening act.

She clearly deserved it, plus I would love to be the one by her side on the night of her first performance in front of a crowd. I guess I had gotten so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise that most of the gang had already gathered all their luggage and were waiting for me. So I shook my head and swiftly gathered all my stuff onto the last remaining cart.

Once everyone was completely ready we started our walk to the airport. Gabby had started to walk by my side, but she was slowly falling to the back of the group. She was clearly struggling to push her cart that had, what looked like, half of her life resting on it. I don't get why girls have to pack so much. The boys and Jet were way ahead of us by now, Liam and Jet leading the pack. So when Louis turned around to check on us, obviously realising that we had fallen behind the rest of the group he understood, that we wanted to alone and continued on with the rest of the group.

"Here trade me carts, you can push mine and I'll push yours." I told her. She looked up at me and immediately shook her head 'no'. "Um, I don't think so missy," I said stopping. " Hand over the cart."

She hesitated at first, being stubborn, but then realised that she wasn't going to win this battle. She shoved the cart forwards, undoubtedly mad about being defeated. "Why do you always have to be such a gentlemen all the time, it's really hard to say no to you" she told me. Not looking up at me once, her hair had fallen so that I couldn't see her face anymore. But by the tone of her voice I could tell that she was blushing.

I knew that that I had to test her last comment out, because if she actually couldn't say no to me... well I will just let you guess what I did next...

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Niall and Harry in one chapter <3

Ok so this is the question, more like questions, of the chapter: Who do you think Gabby should date? Harry the sweet charming gentlemen or should she say no and talk to Niall before she says yes? And who would you chose if you were in her position?

Anyways I really want to that you guys for reading this story. I know I get really repetitive and I thank you at the end of every chapter. But all you reader really mean a lot to me. I would have never thought that more people than my friends at school would read this. So thank you for taking the time to read this book that I have fallen in love with writing. I know you are all waiting for more drama and I think that it might be dragging but after the next chapter I promise it will get better.

As you can probably tell I have finally caught up on all my school work that I missed so I will try and get back on an updating schedule. I will probably post at least 3 chapters a week minimum or maybe even more depending if I have lots of homework.

I might get another chapter up tonight cause I have already written it and I am just editing it. It will be in Gabby and Jet's POV.




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