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Hey here I am updating again. This might be the last update till wenesday, it is the begining of my exam week :( i have two exams on monday and one on tuesday and then one more on thursday, so I have wenesday off from school :) But the good this is that i am going on holidays the following week and will be updating a lot more!!! :) 

I am still updating from my iPod so I might have some spelling error and all that stuff.

Anyways hopefully you will enjoy this chapter 🙉🙈🙊

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Chapter 5

Gabby's POV

I was still sitting on the couch when Jet picked up all of our empty dishes and made her way to the kitchen. I though about how I should be really getting up and going to my room to go and get all my luggage and stuff, but I am still caught up in the fact that 1D might actually be in Canada. 

Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter if they actually are because I am flying out to London at 3pm today. I really need to get up because I am sure that one of my brothers, who i think is Logan, will be coming to pick us up very soon.

I reluctantly got up off my but and made my way up too my room. I had my 2 suitcases ready by the door with all my clothing packed into it and next to it was my empty guitar case. Empty? Oh ya that's reminds me I need to pack my guitar, almost forgot for a moment.

I rushed over to what I like to call it "My Music Corner" and picked up it up of it's stand. I smiled at the thought of finally packing it up and getting it ready for the trip. I have been ignoring packing it till the last minute. Once I had placed in its case, I closed the lid and then processed to tape it up. I had head about some scary incidents with musical instruments traveling in airplanes: about how the case opened during the flight or how they throw it around that sometime it breaks inside. I defiantly don't want that to happen to my baby, so I had bough a traveling case and then desired that I was going to tape it closed as well. Better be safe than sorry right?

I finished up with that and then proceeded to double check my carry on bag: passport, wallet with money, plane tickets, ID, headphones, iPod, laptop, chargers, book and a extra change of clothes just in case. I think I got everything... I though as I went over the list again... oh yes that reminds me. I ran over to my closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket for the trip. 

As I was double checking everything again. I heard Jet scream from downstairs. "LOGAN IS OUTSIDE, I AM GOING TO LET HIM IN. BRING YOUR STUFF DOWNSTAIRS WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE"

I decided to start with my suitcases. Rolling them to the steps before picking them up and carrying them down the stairs. Finally reaching the bottom to see Jet hugging Logan at the door. It's been so long since I have seen him. When was the last time I saw him? Probably in the summer. 

I rolled my suitcase over next to them just when they pulled apart. "Hey there kiddo! Are you ready to go on the adventure of a life time!" he asked 

"Well duhhh? Who doesn't want to go to London?" I replied

"I know I know I heard what you said over the phone two nights ago... 'it going to be the best trip ever. I am going to see one of the cities of my dream and also a shot at my dream's' " he said while trying to imitate a girl voice. 

I just responded by punching him in the arm and walking back to my too to grab the rest of my stuff be for I forget. 

"Hey where was my hug?" he hollered at me while I walked away. "You will get it later." I told him as I walked up the stairs. 

I had finally brought all of my stuff down and we were just finishing packing it all into the car. After we somehow managed to fit in all of our stuff; 4 suitcase, 1 guitar case, 2 pillows, 2 blankets and 2 back packs ; we were on our way. 

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