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Hey guys

I'm back sorry it took so long. I know that i said I was going to update more while I was on hollidays in Florida but i didnt have any internet. I did have a bunch of chapter witten but stupid wattpad decided that the internet at McDonalds wasn't good so all my chapter i tried to upload all got deleted. This probably the fifth or six time I have typed this so this better work. I will update the best I can cause I am still working on catching up on all my school work. But anyways here it goes...

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Chapter 9

Gabby's POV

This flight isn't going as bad as I thought it was going to. I was so scared and nervous for this part of the trip even more nervous than I was for the audition. But right now, snuggled up in Harry's arms I feel safe.

Ever since the plane had taken off, everyone had been talking and getting to know each other. Well... everyone but Niall. Niall has sat silently in the background the whole time. Louis tried to make him laugh by telling jokes and stupid stories but none of them worked. I wonder what had got him in such a bad mood. Maybe he's just super tiered, I told myself. But for some reason deep inside of me I knew it was something else. I really wanted to go talk to him but I didn't want to move, because moving would involve waking up the sleeping boy on my shoulder. Yes harry fell asleep on my shoulder, how cute. So I decided that I would just have to talk to him later. So I place my head on top of Harry's and started to doze off too.

Niall's POV

*His thoughts*

Urgh!!!! Why did Harry always get all the girls!

When I saw Gabby's for the first time, singing on the plane, I knew she was special. And somewhere deep down it felt like love at first sight. She looked so gorgeous sitting there strumming her guitar and singing the lyrics to the song you could tell meant a lot to her.

The whole performance she looked down and her hands playing the chords and strumming the beautiful melody. I could tell that she didn't think she was that good, but man she was so wrong. Her voice is one of the best I have heard in a long time. Just the way she hit each and every note. It gave me goose bumps all over my body. I didn't even realise that she had finished playing, but by the time I did she was already wrapped up in Harry's arms.

I know that I should be happy for harry because for once the girl he likes isn't a player. But for once I wanted to get the girl. I wanted to be the one that held her in my arms and tell her how beautiful and talented she is. But I was beat to it. Not able to move any part of my body, I stood there in shock of what I had just seen and heard. That when I had finally came back to reality she was already being hugged by all the boys. I just wish that I had reacted sooner, than I could be the one comforting her as the plane took off, the one that was leaning on her shoulder and holding her hand...

Only if...

But instead I am sitting alone not bothering to talk to anyone. Just hoping that this flight will end soon so that I could go home and be left alone.

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Ok so in the past three weeks I have learned a couple things:

1. That McDonalds internet and wattpad don't mix

2. That I the most unlucky person ever (I missed Midnight Red and Little Mix concerts in Florida by a couple days and I also was in the same aiport as them twice. Also I nearly met Alex and Sierra but we went to the mall to late.)

3. I need internet to survive

4. You really miss alot when you can't acess twiter or any scocial meadia.

5. Disney World loves me! They now have FREE WIFI at Disney.

Anyways hope you like the chapter and thanks for all the suport so far :)




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