District 9: Female

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Name: Silla Novern

Gender: female

Age: 12

District: 9

Weapon: scythe

Appearance: her eyes are as green as the valleys growing back in her home, district 9. Her skin is delicate, yet lusciously tanned from working in the grain fields all day and her hair shines like gold when under the summer sun. Her cheeks always hold a charming rose color from which she earned her nickname- Rosie. Her waves of golden locks are so captivating that she turns all heads when she walks by, most Capitol women pay lots of money to even come close to holding her beauty for themselves. Silla is most definitely one of a kind.

Personality: Silla is a typical bubbly 12 year old that plays in the fields of flowers when she has time off. She's humble and oddly friendly for a girl that comes from a district so poor. She's hands out hugs when anyone's feeling down, she's helpful and will go to great measures to make anyone smile. She's unaware of her beauty and is not one to draw attention to herself. Though, her delicate persona makes her seem weak and not fierce competition, she's a true fighter. She's stronger than most 12 year olds, she's smart, attentive, determined, and she's ready to fight.

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