The Victor

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Here it is, the chapter where my choice will decide if you win or loose. Yes, my choice it is. And I feel so horrible for it.

I've decided that the points and scores don't count. I guess, I want the winner to win because of their last task. The one who was supposed to be their best. Not from accumulated points.

I can't tell you how hard it is for me. It's probably why it took so long. You've stuck with me all along. Through my delays and complicated tasks. You guys did it without a miss. I can't bring myself up to say it now, so instead I will start saying what I thought. Like in every TV show.

Lets start with...District 2. (Redtipedrose):

Your entries have been so wonderful. They way you describe things are so nice. I really love how you remember everything you've done since the beginning, meaning: You remember that you lost your memory, that you've done this, you've done that. Sometimes authors forget what happened before to their characters and they keep going like if it never happened. But you remembered everything. So I like to know that. It so happens sometimes people forget they just got stabbed, but keep running like if nothing happened. So thanks for not doing that (not that anyone in my tasks did it, but I've read other books *cough* Divergent *cough*).

Your last task was beautiful.

Jake (Ultimatebookworm00):

Although your lat entry was a bit too intense for me (in the, um, you know, part) (*laughs jokingly*), it repays with the laughter you make out of me. I love the characters you've made. Jake is so funny. The dialogue. Whatever he says makes me laugh (when it's supposed to be funny). You are more of action. But you do describe things and I like the way you do it. Like when your character's vision goes red. It's like a cartoon made real.

I have to tell you this, the last part, like the last paragraph, it was the best. I loved it! Gosh, I want to read it again.

Silla Novern (XcatchthemockingjayX):

Oh, no. Yours is the hardest to describe, I just love your writing style so much, it's hard to explain. Everything you write makes so much sense. All those words are written like, BEAUTIFUL. Every sentence is wonderful. I do think the last entry needed more action at the beginning. But the action at the end, with the monsters was really good. You have an ability to put anything together and make it sound amazing.


It's harder for me since you didn't make a real deal up to the mountain. Most of it was there, so I can't give that extra point to anyone. But it was all great, don't worry.

I can't chose between choosing the writer who made all the best tasks overall, or the one who made the best last one. To me everyone won. And this is what I think you won on:

Taryn: For me you won on writing and action. You had both all along.

Jake: Mostly on the action and the dialogue.

Silla: Writing style. You explain everything and I can't say what I feel I'm bad at explaining sorry.


Let me just make it clear the you three write way better than a lot of real authors. Better than John Green. Definitely. If I had to choose between you and John Green, I'd choose you without hesitation. Sorry John Green. But you also write better than many others. You could be with Veronica Roth, even.


If you want me to say who I would've chosen second, ask me on the comments.

But the Annual Hunger Games Victor is...

**Taryn Beyts!**

Congrats to the winner and I am so so so so sorry I didn't chose you, Silla and Jake. Silla... Oh, god. And Jake...

Congratulations to Redtipedrose!

Thank you SO MUCH for being in my Games all of you. It's been going for almost half year! Wow...*cries* ugh this is what happens when I make the hardest choice of my not-so-long life

Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor,

Stay tuned for my next games...I think I... *struggles publishing chapter* I feel the hate coming... Don't hate me for anything please!

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