Entries: Task 3!

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Valour Goller

It's 1:00am and a strange sound woke me, I can tell it was a bee or mosquito sound.


There's again. I don't understand... Something just bit me and it left me a huge rash with a little pump. It itches but I'm sure I should not scratch it. Now, I have 8. One in my nose, another one in my forehead, two in my left ear, two in my right arm, one in my left shin and one I don't know how in my left toe. In one minute the sun came out; and then I saw that it wasn't just a mosquito, it was a swarm of mosquitoes. So I began to run, because they were trying to kill, NO JOKE. I was about one kilometer away from the Winter Arena, and I could hear the people screaming from something that the gamemakers deliberate. I'm scared to look behind, but I bet they are not trying to chase me. So I run through the maze. I'm sure this maze is nothing good but if my destiny is to die, I'll die. It takes about three hours to get out side of this GIGANTIC maze. I see some weird people talking near, what I think is the Cornucopia. They realize something is spying on them, so they run to an opposite directions to me. So, those minutes are perfect to get another backpack so I run and I grab one. So I get into the maze and something behind. Do not know if it was part of my imagination or not, but I felt like something was behind. So I entered a hallway that I realized it had no way out. I wait there for at least fifty minutes, and nothing happened. Then I walked outside of the hallway to check if it was still there. But, he or she or it wasn't there. I do not know if it left, because he was bored or because another reason. But, the thing was that there was not even a mutt. NOTHING. Maybe I'm going crazy. Yes or not I'm thinking that. I don't want to think that something is chasing me.




Taryn Beyt

I woke up to a loud bang. I saw Evan had his weapon ready. Even though he looked tired he still looked pretty intimidating. I though that is why he is the perfect ally, but a perfect threat. I know I shouldn't think like this. I mean I trust him with my life, but I don't know if he trusts me with his.

Evan seem to noticed that I was awake and saw my expression. He came over and sat down by me. "Taryn, I know I might not win these games. I know I could die soon. But one thing is sure. I know I would not be able to last as long as I could without your help," he took a breath and continued on, "You should know I trust you. You could have cut off my head, but you didn't. So if I die, win for me."

"I-i promise," I replied back realising the truth of his words I could have killed him, but I didn't and we could die if the Capital wanted us to. "If I die win for me," I told him "Okay," was all he said. We then sat in a calm silence. Almost forgetting that we were in the Hunger Games.

Our peace was interrupted by a hiss and then something bit me. "Ow!" I yelped. Evan looked at me with worry. Then, I started seeing black spots. All I heard was my heart pounding, but the scary part was that it was getting weaker. A beeping noise soon came into my ears.

I wondered if all dying people heard a beep before dying. Evan soon left my vision. Now I thought I am all alone. I could barely hear Evan when he said, "We have a sponsor Taryn! Your going to make it." Before I could comprehend what he ment, I felt a sharp pain in my side.

The black spots started to clear and I saw Evan sitting before me smiling from ear to ear. "What happened?" I asked in a small voice. "This," was all he said as he held up a snake that I remembered was very poisonous and you can die in 60 seconds unless was treated by Capital medicine.

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