Task 7- Entries

243 6 19

District 2

Taryn Beyt

A loud rumble woke me up from my dreamless sleep. Opening my eyes I saw Jake's loving face above. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a caring expression engraved into his face. "Hey," I said. "Good morning sleepy head," Jake teased. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I froze, seeing what was the cause of the loud rumble that woke me up. Jake got uo and stopped short at the same sight ahead. There was a huge mountain rising. Trees were getting knocked out of the way like they were nothing. The mountain continued to grow in height.

I wonder what the mountain was for? As if on cue a voice broke the silence, since the mountain stopped growing, finally. "Good day tributes," the high pitch voice of the president said. There seemed to be an underlying hit of something that I could only categorize as sadistic, pure evil as most would say. A weird taste came into my mouth.

"I don't usually make announcements, but I am sure you will still want to hear it because this message depends on your life. Now, see the mountain that appeared out of nowhere?" The president asked. I looked back to the giant mountain that was quite far away.

"That mountain will be the reason you live, unless-" she broke off. I could hear her give give a sinister laugh, "you don't get there by midnight! Wait, wait. Hear this?" A painful screeching sound filled my ears, making my head start to throb out of pain. I tried to cover my ears, but it seemed to have no effect.

Looking, I saw that Jake was having the same problem. "Ah, yes, look behind you," the president continued. Looking to see what was making that unbearable sound, I was met with a sight of a huge wall. It was still pretty far away, but it was big enough to see what is a dark barrier of a wall.

"This wall will move, and if you don't move along it, you will most likely end up electrocuted to death, burned by midnight. So I say you start going. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor," The president's voice fades away, only to be replaced with her fading laugh. The anthem played once more to show that that was the last of the announcement.

I looked back at the wall and turned to Jake. I gave him a peck on the lips and said in a sad voice, "It looks like the Hunger Games are coming to an end." I could almost feel the cameras focusing on us, waiting to see what we're going to do. Jake sighed and said, "Yes, but at least I got to spend these last few days with you."

I smiled at him. I felt tears coming to my eyes. Trying in vain to blink them away, a few couldn't help but fall. I hugged Jake, just wishing that I could stop time and stay like this forever. It seemed like the gamemakers had other plans. I saw the wall behind Jake seem to get closer. A slight rumble in the ground made me realise that it was coming closer, and fast.

Pulling away I asked, "Jake, what time is it?" I knew that he could tell me since he was usually out in District 4 fishing. I could feel some of my memories come back since the light incident. "It's about ten in the morning." He replied with a shrug. "So we have fourteen hours to get to the top of the mountain," I stated.

Sighing, I kissed Jake one more time before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the huge mountain. We made good ground running. It was hard at times when the ground shook more violently then other times. A few times we had to stop to catch our breath.

About two hours into our trip, I felt something wrap itself around my ankle. The next thing I knew, I was dangling upside down. My hair blowing in the wind and getting into my eyes. There was a pain where my leg joined the rest if my body, and at my ankle where the thing that was holding me up.

"Jake!" I yelled, not caring if anyone else heard me. I mean there are only two other tributes left besides us. They will probably try to save their skins more then come to me, just because I am an easy kill right now. I hated being this vulnerable, completely at another tribute's mercy. Jake can you hurry up?

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