The End

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I'm dead inside. There is nothing left for me since Jake was killed. He died for me to continue a happy life with out him. The thing is, with out Jake I can't seem to tell which is right or wrong. It only been a few days without him and I already gave up hope. Every time I try to join my love, somebody finds me and stops me.

I smile and don't mean it. When people congratulate me on winning I smile and thank them. It is never real. It is just for the camera. For the past few days I cried myself asleep only to wake up screaming for my Jake. The cannon is still ringing in my ears. Remembering the bloody sword that saved my life many times and at the same time destroyed it.

I am just a hollow shell. Some may say I am over reacting. But in the week that I was in the arena I shifted my life to something. Or more accurate someone. Now that someone is dead. Never to be seen besides in a wooden box in the ground. Today I have to go up and do my victor interview. I have to watch everyone's deaths over again. From the people I killed to the ones that died for me. I don't think that I'll stay strong for that last part. I'm already broken beyond repair. This game destroyed my life.

"Now look at all the stuff we have to cover up," Rosetta said in discuss. "You had all that money from winning the Hunger Games and you didn't even have the decency to use it to look beautiful," Hider chipped in. I just ignored them as they put layer on top of layer of make up on my face.

It has only been a few days out of the arena but I still feel like I am fighting to stay alive. To keep going. My family disowned me after they said that I did something only a 'heartless killer would do'. I had no idea what they were talking about. My life was destroyed in only a week. Why do I continue on? I keep asking myself. Why don't I just end it here now?

"Done. You look human again now," Rosetta said with a smile on her face. I couldn't muster the strength to smile or say thanks. All I could do was nod. "Man is it just me or dis she become worse then she was in the Hunger Games," Dingy whispered to Rosetta. By now I was confused. What did he mean worse. I wasn't that bad was I?

"The interview starts in a few minutes come on," Dingy said while pushing me to the entrance. First the prep team and escort will go on the stage and take their seats, then my mentor, finally I will come out last. I stood on the petal that will lift me onto the stage. An instant memory of being lifted into the arena came to my mind. I was so happy and excited that I was their that second.

"Now introducing our new victor Taryn Beyt." The crowd started to cheer. I could also hear a soft undermurmer of the crowd as well. The petal started to rise. A scream was caught in my throat. Blinding lights cut threw the darkness. It took me a second to see everyone. Ceaser was seated on a love seat looking as young as ever. "Welcome Taryn. Now how about we talk about our newest Hunger Games. But first we are going to watch it first. And remember folks this years theme is love tragedy."

With that on the screen started to play. There were the for sections. I saw me going into the games with a smirk on my face and excitement in my eyes. The cannon sounded and I saw tributes die like flies. There was me killing that boy that I found out was from 3. Evan killing a person from 1. J-jake killing the boy from 6. So many others died that day.

Then it skipped to the next day with me almost accidenty killing Evan. Then it was us killing the girl from 5. I sighed getting more depressed with each death. I saw Valour get knocked out from the flowers and I got bit by the snake along with Silla getting bit. Then it was me killing the two girls. It skipped over to Evan and me making promises. I smiled knowing that I at least didn't let one person down. Sadly it was a huge price to pay to make the promise.

It skipped on going strait to the fireflies. I was surprised that I was about to be left by my ally. It showed the other allies falling under the fireflies' spell like I did. Then it showed Jake and me meeting. It brought tears to my eyes. It fast forward again to the flood. I saw Jake and me get separated. Evan died. I am so close to breaking down. I saw me getting close to Valour and me falling asleep. I saw that Valour looked sad and looked at the camera and requested a pen and paper. So that is how he got it. A sponsor parachute fell next to Valour.

He wrote on it and jumped into the water. He didn't even put up a fight as the water filled his lungs. Then it showed me waking up and reading the note then seeing Valour's corps. One, two tears started to come. It skipped to more peoples deaths. Now it came to the spot that Jake and I met again. Then I saw the robots kissing and me killing them then finding Silla and stabbing hee in the stomach.

I saw how she stopped the bleeding and stayed alive. It jumped strait over to Electra death after Jake got me down. More tears came out. Us climbing the mountain and watching the sunset. I could just hold it back by a tread. It came to the fight with Silla. It turns out she died by breaking her neck in the fall. Finally, came the painfullest part.

It showed me smiling and the weapons falling off the mountain. I saw me raising my sword then the next thing I knew Jake was on the ground decapiteded. The last thing you see is me being picked up with the hovercraft smiling. The screen went dark. The reason why I wasn't crying was because I was in shock.

That isn't what happened. It was Jake that killed himself. They made it seem like I played him then killed him. No wonder why my family disowned me. It also explains why Dingy said that. "So was it your plain from the start to kill Jake?" "NO!" I all but yelled. "I didn't kill him." I fell to the ground. The tears came out now. "Well of course you did. What else could have happened?" Ceaser said in a duh voice.

"He killed himself to save me so I could live a happy life. I am only happy around him. I'm coming Jake." I whispered the last part. Peacekeepers started coming up the stairs. They were too late. I got up and ran to the end of the stage and jumped head first. I barred my neck as I came closer to the ground. A sickening cracking sound was heard.

I can't breath was my first thought. To others this is bad, but to me this is the greatest news that I could have ever get. Instead of darkness filling my vision like last time their was light. In that light I saw Jake with his hand outstretched. Behind him was Valour and Evan smiling like maniacs. There was also all the dead tributes. "Welcome home." was the last thing I heard as the white light completely filled my vision.

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