Task Four- Entries

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Valour Goller

I'm still in the maze but more lost. I've tried 5 hours, and it0's already turning night. In about 4 hours I guess, they are putting the fallen tributes in the sky. I've heard several cannons so today might be more than days before. I'm really hungry and the only food I found is some weird berries but they aren't nightlocks. I think there are some food hidden in the flowers but, I'm not sure is there's some mines. I'm starting to think that the Hunger Games aren't as the trainer said, back home in district 1. It's now dark, so I might start finding a place to sleep. I'm thinking it won't be a great idea if I sleep in the same place for a long time. The time for me is passing really fast, because I just watched who died, and I'm really impressed. I found a really good place for sleeping.

*I wake up*

It's still night, and I know it should be day. Like this I can't go find the food. Obviously this is caused by the gamemakers. So, I'm trying not to get angry, because I can be harmed by the gamemakers. And like everyone else, no one messes with them. I want to see how long it will be night in the arena. And I want to see who will be so foolish to light a campfire. If this lasts for a week, I think nobody will move from their hiding place because in the dark you can't see anything. I think I should... there's something behind those bushes, maybe...It's a tribute, a boy.

I jump to the floor and with the berries I had I grab them and I act like I was dead. So, he stared at me and I bet he ask himself why didn't the hovercraft pick me, but he left and he went back but I wasn't there anymore. So finally I found the way out from the maze, but I was really tired so, I walked like maybe 250 meters and there... there was the best place for sleeping, it was a hole where I could fit and there was like a big branch that covered it. So I went in and sleep for 5 hours and I could hear how birds were singing, because...

*I open my eyes*

STILL NIGHT!!! I'm starting to FREAK OUT, but who cares I bet it won't be night in 1 hour. Or in 2. Or 3. Or I should just wait.

So, I went to the flower field and throw a rock inside, one mine exploded and make a huge BOOM. So I ran, towards I don't know what and I hid myself so nobody could attack me.


Taryn Beyt

I was keeping watch at night when I noticed that the moon and the stars seemed to glow brighter every second. I didn't think too much about it. Then these fireflie creatures with light coming out of them so bright let me to wonder if the Capital made them. Evan woke up and started looking at the fireflies.

He suddenly looked away. I felt like I should to, but I just couldn't seem to bring myself to look away from the memorizing scene. Even said "Taryn look aw..." I soon wasn't able to hear him.I just kept looking at the lights. So pretty. So unique. Something started to change. At first I didn't care, but latter I felt like something was being taken away from me.

What is being taken away? I tried thinking about something that could help me. Nothing. That's all I got. It was not until latter that I realized that I was being shook and my name I think was being called. "Taryn, Taryn. Come on Taryn, snap out of it," said a boy in front of me. I didn't recognize him.

I got into a fighting stance. I was looking at the strange boy for any threatening moves coming from him. He looked shocked and asked, "Taryn are you alright? I was so worried." I stared in confusion at this man in front of me. He seemed like no threat to me for now.

I got out of my fighting stance still keeping an eye on this strange person. I took a look at my surroundings. It was the cornucopia from the Hunger Games and looking through the opening was a forest. Now I realized were I was. I was in the Hunger Games. How I got here is a mystery.

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