Task 6

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Hello tributes here are this week's task!


Winter: when water and snow meet the water freezes to ice. That's what happened in the winter section, the water from the tsunami colored with the snow and the the whole winter section is covered with icicles, spikes, blades. You're trapped in. You are like in a mouth of a monster with sharp teeth.

One wrong movement and you can slip and force a spike in your stomach. But that's when you hear someone, and you see it's one of your friendliest tribute. The person pulls you out of the hole your in carefully. Once out, the person starts talking to you and then suddenly that person takes out a weapon and starts battling you. You question yourself: Why is she doing that? A friend like that would never try to kill me.

You feel betrayed.

Fast enough, it starts to snow, and then snow touches the others person's skin, the tribute twitches and sparks come out of its mouth and other parts. But it keeps battling you, but snow keeps falling on it and you soon realize it's not your friend, it's a Capitol's creation robot.

Summer: the sand is now wet, when the water touches dry land it sizzles and vapor comes out. It is hard to walk on mushy and dirty salt water. And the sun, oh it's so hot. All you can think of is a cold cup of water.

You're lonely now, your allies got lost somewhere with the wave. But that's when you see something, a shape, and it's walking towards you. You get in fight position. But then the person calls your name, and you recognize the voice, and you feel relieved. When the person is a few feet away, you know who it is, one of your friendly allies. And your ally has water. And you can't help but feel grateful. You drink all the water, and they offer you food. You are too distracted by the deliciousness to even wonder were they got it and when.

When you see at the corner of your something shiny, and you immediately jerk back, the person pulls out a weapon and is battling you.

You push it to the wet sand and it twitches and you see it's a robot.

Fall: The beautiful forest this used to be is now ruined. Trees are broken in half, and everything is laid down covered in mud.

You hear some grunts and you go investigate what it is. When you see a friendly tribute under a tree, his foot trapped. And you help them.

When you help them it thanks you and slowly pulls out a sword. And he battles you. You think: what about his foot? Wasn't he hurt? But the person seems perfectly fine. You handle to chop an arm off when you see cables sticking out and you notice it's a robot.

Spring: (this one is supposed to be for specific tributes who are having some love troubles, if you know what I mean)

fish jump in the mud. Most of them are dead, but the ones who still live are struggling to keep living.

A voice snaps you awake and you walk towards it. It could be another tribute. The closer you get, you realize it's not just one, but two people. So you decide to sneak and look at what's happening.

When you have a clear vision of the conflict you see two tributes, well, kissing.

^^^^ I don't want to add much to this one, but at the end, well you know, they end up being robots.


Okay so for this task you will be alone at first. Because the wave separated you from your friends. So you're alone.

And also the robot person has to be someone you care about. It could be even someone dead you cared so much about you believe they're alive. Or it could be someone you love.

Or (in the spring section) it could be someone you hate with someone you like.

Have fun writing this! Also do your best and the task ends Thursday 10!

Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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