826 30 14

The first task:

For Districts 1-3=

Your platform levitates and you feel a cold breeze. You are fully up and it's freezing, everything is covered in snow. Tall pine trees far away. It is really hard to see with the snow blizzard. But then you see it. A shining silver cornucopia at the center, covered in thick piles of snow you can't even see the tools.


For Districts 4-6=

A valley surrounds you, flowers bloom all around, with that cheerful smell. Ahead a maze-like field with high weeds you can barely see the the tip of the shining Cornucopia. (You need to pass the maze to get to the Cornucopia.)


For Districts 7-9=

Heavy hot air blows your face, at once you feel thirsty from the look around you. Layers of sand cover the floor like waves. Wind blows the sand into your face, but you get a glimpse of the cornucopia ahead.


For Districts 10-12=

The smell of dried leaves and maple runs through you while leaves blow to a new place. Sheets of orange and yellow leaves cover the floor, a gray sky makes the air chilly, thick trees stand in front of you. Ahead a sparkling cornucopia. Buried in mountains of leaves.


Quick note for EVERYONE!

As you see it's a bit weird.

Rules, you can moves to other sections, lets say you are in a hot place, well then move to the cold one, but the arena is huge, so it'll probably take you a day.

Each task is a day!

The Ghost (they don't count) tributes are:


Mike Gregory- district 5

Stefan Brenes- 6

Jake Cordy- 8

Western Homes-10

Sebastian Lace-11

Alby Hart-12

---- you might wanna kill those first!

Unless you wanna get killed...


March 30th! Sunday!

May the odds be ever in your favor!!

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