Entries- Task 5

247 6 4

District 1

Valour Goller

The sun looks amazing like one piece of gold from the justice building from my district. I don't know why but it seems like it rained, but I think is just me who think that. Because now I know where all the mines around the food are (in the flower field), I'm going there. Walking to the flower field I found some animals that maybe they would taste amazing. When I reach to where I wanted to go, I see some tributes. I prepared my knife for killing them, but maybe they would be really good help, especially the district 4 man, some fish wouldn't come bad for my stomach. When I started to talk to them I found out they're not stupid, as I thought.

So we started walking to the maze. So, the kid said something like "look there's water on the ground", so I looked down and there was water by my ankles. When we were about 10 meters from the entrance of the maze the water was by my knees. When the water was by my waist, I started swimming as the other two. And then I heard like water crashing, so I looked behind me and there was a huge wave. Then, I pointed with my finger and we started swimming faster. The tsunami covered me but the other, no. When I feel I can't hold anymore without breathing, I remembered of my mom, who died 3 months before I came to this easy killing place. And, I thought why do I need to give up. So I tried to reach the top of the tsunami. So, I saw some other tributes on the water floating dead, and then a girl went on top of me, she wanted to survive. I understand, three years ago I was like that I was scared of water, but I learned, how to swim. I search in my pocket for my knife, but when I found it the knife went down to the floor, so I punch the girl and she kick me where she wasn't supposed to. 'Cause the wave was too big; I jumped to a tree (really huge). But it broke, lucky me I could be on top of it without getting the risk of drowning. I saw Jake and Taryn in a land, so I tried to reach there, Taryn helped me. I starting to think Jake don't like me as an ally. But, I don't care; I can kill him as quick as saying dead tribute before he kills me. But I think he likes Taryn, so he won't kill Taryn's allies.


District 2

Evan Walker (DID NOT TURN IN)


Taryn Beyt

I woke up unable to breath. My hand shot up to my neck trying to pull the thing on my neck off. My other hand clasped onto the hilt of a knife. I then dug he blade into the thing that was choking me. I coughed up a little bit of blood, but other then that nothing else was wrong. I saw that the thing that was choking me was a snake.

I then looked closer to see hat it wasn't a snake. It was a tree root. I was confused for a second before something grabbed my wrist. I yelped in surprised and saw that it was another tree root. I took the knife agian and cut off the root. I looked to see Jake and Evan having the same problem.

From the light that was still in the arena, i saw that they had some purplish slime on them. Another root latched on, but when I cut this one off my leg, I was beginning to itch where the roots been grabbing me. I saw that where the itch was there was purple slime there.

I yelped in pain as a root got tangled in my hair. My eyes began to water. I blindly swung the knife back and forth behind my back trying to fins the root. After a second or two I was finally able to hit it. The pain instantly subsided, but not the itch. Oh I was so itchy. I began scratching my legs raw. On my left leg I accidenty scratch so much that I began to bleed.

Jake suddenly cries out; "We need to get to water quick." So we got up and started packing stuff into bags. One bag held our weapons, another held food and water, and the last bag held other useful items. We got out of the cornucopia and started walking.

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