Task Four!

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Hai guys ☺! Good to see ya again. Thanks for not giving up on reminding me! I'm such a lazy girl sometimes. But anyways, here is task Four!


When the sun has finally gone down and it is completely dark, you notice the stars are brighter than usual. The moon also. They glow the dark world around you. Hours pass, you're either asleep or awake. Dawn doesn't seem to arrive. When what you think it is time for it to be bright, the sun never appears. Instead some fireflies come. Their light brighter than you have never seen it before. So bright you wonder if they are even fireflies.

They blind you. But then instinct tells you that you shouldn't look at them directly. Because, this is The Hunger Games. And nothing so weird can be good.

Then, for a moment, you remember you have your friend too and is starring at the weird fireflies (unless you don't have an ally) and you start to warn him/her. But it's too late. Your friend has been hijacked by the light of the fireflies. You have no idea what to do. Your ally now just stares into space like (if you want to put it like that) a moron. With their mouth slightly opened, not knowing what is going on with their surroundings. You shake then. Talk to them. Nothing seems to work.

You give up trying to help your friend; when she finally comes back to earth.

Their expression is confusion.

You question them but they don't seem to get what you mean. They've lost their memory, and the only thing they remember is that their in The Hunger Games.


Is that good?

Okay now, your friend does remember how to walk and talk and that stuff. But not their past. Maybe since the only thing they remember is The Hunger Games, they want to kill you?

And also. The section you're in is still the same. So if you're in the winter one. It's still cold.

And! This task will be like two days. So TWO DAYS without any sunlight!

REMEMBER: this task real tributes will be dead. Because there isn't any ghosties and there's like 2 others who dropped out that aren't dead. So make your best effort!

Due date: Thursday 15 (if I'm not wrong)

Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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