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My horse rode as fast as it could through this retched forest, my guards not far behind me as I tried my best to escape. My heart was pounding as I neared the edge of the forest and every foot of he horse could be heard.

Up ahead was the castle. The castle that would save not only my life, but my guards as well. We emerged swiftly, arrows soaring past us at a rapid pace.

Guards from the castle let the gates up, and others stormed out, aiding us. Once I was let in, the gates closed, leaving out the threat along with many guards, mine and the French's.

Looking around, I saw multiple people staring at me, including King Francis, who rushed to my side along with another and they helped to the ground.

"Katerina, what's happened?" Francis asked immediately.

"Please, help me. Help my men, I beg you," I answered as the two men brought me into the castle, away from unwanted attention.

"You must explain the situation," Francis replied as we reached the throne room. "Leave us."

The people in the room all left as Queen Mary walked in, taking her husbands side.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Katerina Petrova, your majesty," I answered swiftly. "Francis, our countries are allies, please, save my men."

"I will do the best I can, but you must tell me what's happened," he demanded stepping closer.

"We were on our way, the safe passage you once suggested, we took. But someone knew of our journey and attacked," I explained. "Our carriage raided, but only after my guards saved me and sent me here. They're out protecting me and your kingdom. They will die if you do not allow them here or-"

"Quite a few of France's guards are out there helping, yet you demand more? That's ridiculous," the other man spoke.

"Charles, watch your tone. Katerina, if they are not back by nightfall, I promise to send more men out to help protect them and bring them here," Francis spoke. "Mary, do you think you could show Katerina to her chambers?"

"Of course. You're quite popular here you know," Mary spoke as we walked out.

"Queen Mary, you are kind, but I know where my chambers are. There is some place I need to be-"

"Have I upset you?" She questioned stopping.

"No, of course not. My mind is all over the place, I am not thinking clearly. But please excuse me, I must find my brother."

"Your brother?"

"Yes, he works here, in the castle. He knew I was coming, but now he must be worried, no doubt that word has spread of my arrival."

"How is it you're a princess and your brother works here? And not a prince?" Mary asks quickly. "Forgive me. I do not mean to offend."

"It's forgiven. As much as I would love to tell you who I am, and my history, I'm afraid I must go. But I promise, soon we shall talk," I said giving a hug before rushing off to find him.

He's been moved to another station, so it will be incredibly difficult to find him. As I turned another corner, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room.

Turning around, I see Francis' brother, the man from before, Charles. He does look like Francis, but more like the late King Henry. He stood, looking furious at me before stepping towards me, causing me to take a step back.

"Why are you here?" He demanded.

"I've already told the king, and you were there, now let me please allow me to leave and continue my search."

"Your search for what?"

"Not a what, a who," I explained. "My brother, he works in this castle and I wish to speak with him."

"Who's your brother? Perhaps I can send a guard to find him."

"My apologies, but I must reject that request," I answer moving past him.

"You should know, that I don't trust you, meaning I'll be keeping an eye on you," he threatens, gripping my arm and pulling me close.

"Of course you don't trust me, you don't remember me, so how could you trust me just because your family does," I replied before removing myself from his grasp.

"Remember you? We've met before?"

"Of course we have, Charles, but I must admit that you've changed quite a bit since we were last together."

Before he could even think of a response, I left the room and went into the courtyard, searching for him. My brother, the person I long to see.

As I walk around, I hear footsteps quicken behind me. Turning around, I see him running towards me, obviously relieved. Meeting him halfway, I jump in my brothers arms, grateful to finally be with him.

"Are you alright? I heard you were here, but when you're horse was abandoned by the gate and your guards nowhere near, I feared the worst," he said pulling away.

"I'm fine, I promise. Only a scratch on my arm from an arrow, other than that, I'm in perfect shape."

"And your parents? How are they?"

"Fathers sick, but the doctor is treating him well, mothers frantic however, worrying for his life."

"They are in my prayers, I swear," he smiled giving me another hug.

"Are you in the kings guard now?" I asked pulling away.

"Yes, the king promoted me which I am thankful for."

"Have you met someone?"

"Leith!" A voice called earning our attention.

"Ah, that would be Princess Claude," my brother whispered, a loving smile on his face as he watched her coming our way.

"You fancy her?" I question with a smile.

"I do indeed, but no worries, I am well aware we are not able to be together," he explained just as Claude reached us.

"How do you two know each other?" Claude asked after giving me a hug.

"He's my brother," I answered.

"What? How?" She asked.

"When I was a babe, my birth parents left me on his family's doorstep, then at a young age, I was taken away and into a kingdom, where the King and Queen were able to conceive a child."

"How is this possible?" Claude asked.

"A story for another time," Leith answered for me. "Princess Claude, may I escort you to your Latin lessons?"

"Of-of course," she answered in shock by our story.

As they walked away, I felt a presence behind me and turned to see Charles, with a surprised face at me. I only bowed and walked back into the castle, where the future of my country, my brother and myself await.

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