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It's drizzling outside. The day of my mother's hanging, light rain is falling, growing heavier with each passing minute.

I made my way outside, Sebastian by my side as he held something above our heads to block out the rain. My brother stands in the castle, not wanting to see this woman hang.

She walked out, the rain growing harder with each step she took. She shook her head once she saw me standing outside.

"Perhaps we should leave. Give your mother the last bit of privacy she can get," Sebastian suggested.

 Give your mother the last bit of privacy she can get," Sebastian suggested

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I looked at him in disbelief, rain pouring at this point. "Go ahead and leave. I will watch her die. So she can never hurt anyone again."

"Katerina, you will regret this. If you watch her die-"

Before he could finish, she dropped. Sebastian sighed as I stared in shock, surprised that I didn't change my mind. He gently pulled me back inside the castle where I rushed to my room.

I leant back on my door, my breathes becoming heavier. I placed my hand across my stomach to try and somehow calm myself, tears falling from my eyes.

A knock from the door snapped me back into reality, causing me to try and take some deep breathes as I moved away and towards my window.

Opening it, the fresh air swarmed in, along with some rain, but I ignored it, trying to calm down as the door opened and someone stepped in.

"Are you alright?" Charles asked closing the door behind him.

"Are you alright?" Charles asked closing the door behind him

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"I hate myself," I replied turning to face him. "Never in a million years, did I think I would kill my mother. Or whoever that women was."

"Katerina, you need to calm down. You aren't thinking clearly. You just watched her die-"

"Exactly! She raised me and I stood there and watched her die. I could've stopped it, I-I could've done anything-"

"Shh," Charles whispered hesitantly wrapping his arms around me. "Let me help you."

I pulled back immediately

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I pulled back immediately. "How are you going to help me? How?" Tears falling down my cheeks.

"Anyway you let me. Perhaps you shouldn't meet with Elizabeth today," Charles suggested rubbing my arm a little.

"I have to in order to settle the disturbance between your country and hers. Between Scotland and England," I replied looking him dead in the eye. "By postponing this meeting again, we risk ruining everything."

"You are not in the right state of mind. You won't be thinking clearly."

"Seriously? You believe that?" I questioned.

"You just watched your mother die. What makes you think you'll make rational decisions?" He asked as I stepped back from him.

Before I could reply, a knock on my door and a guard stepping in interrupted us. He told me that Elizabeth was waiting for me, to which I quickly followed him, abandoning Charles.

Arriving to the room, my guard closed the door behind him as Elizabeth turned to face me.

"Good to see you've finally arrived, although I would've liked it more if not only you came on time, but also weren't wet. Next time be more prepared," she commented taking a seat across from my desk.

"Nice to see you too, Elizabeth," I replied sitting behind my desk, ignoring her rudeness. "I hope you're enjoying your stay."

"It would've been better if-"

"Yes, I heard you before. I apologize for that, but in case you weren't aware, I had to watch my mother hang, and it began to rain as I watched."

"I do believe that was your own doing, Katerina. You chose that, so do not expect me to pity you."

"Are we going to discuss your offer, or are you going to continue to insult me in my own kingdom?" I asked placing my hands on the table.

"You know what I want. Now it's your turn."

"I will not abandon my alliance with France. And with France comes Scotland. Is there any way for you to align with Bulgaria while staying with the other two countries?"

"Mary, Queen of Scots, is after my throne, and you expect me to align with Scotland? How stupid do you think I am?"

"You wouldn't be aligning with Scotland. You would be aligning with Bulgaria. England and Scotland will most likely never meet."

"You only want me to join all three of these countries to keep France happy."

"You're the one that came to me for an alliance. Do not try to make this seem as if it were my idea."

"Katerina you're country needs England. Do not throw away this chance."

"Elizabeth, think about this. If Mary and Francis decide to go against you, I will leave them and join you."

"And if I were to go against them?"

"You know the answer. Elizabeth, I would be able to warn you of any conflict that they may think of. I would be your eyes and ears-"

"Who are you really doing this for?" she asked leaning forward.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you doing this for your country or to protect France?"

"The only link I have to France is my engagement to Charles."

"Is your love for the prince getting in the way of your decision to protect your country?"

"Elizabeth, if you don't agree to my terms then you will be a lone country while I have many among my side. By joining me, your country will have three and growing on your side. So join me, or stay at risk."

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