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It was dark. The sun betraying us and going away as the moon slowly rose to the sky. Charles' nerves began to annoy me as I continued to lead the way to the castle.

He kept muttering some random things, in fear of death. It wasn't long before turned around and snapped at him.

"Charles, get ahold of yourself," I said catching him surprise. "One day you will be king, act like a man."

"How do you know that?" He questioned taking a step towards me.

"Believe or not your brother keeps in contact. You may hate me now, but Francis doesn't. Besides it's what's best for the alliance."

"Which you threatened," he commented.

"You told me to. And I suspect it was because you want to get rid of me. What have I done to deserve your hatred?" I asked stepping towards him.

He didn't answer, but put a hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. Annoyed, I removed his hand and was about to talk when he did it again, but also moved us to a bush in order to hide.

That's when we saw them. Some of the men who attacked the guards, one of them carrying Leith. Charles couldn't hold me back as I ran forward, shoving my sword into the closest one.

He fell to the ground as blood covered my sword and body. Charles soon joined me as I fought off another man. Leith stood and tackled the last one who stood right behind me, quickly snapping his neck.

"What on Earth were you thinking?" Leith demanded standing and facing me. "You could've been killed!"

"I think some gratitude would suffice," I replied. "We just saved your life!"

"That's not what you were supposed to do-"

"I don't care! I'm about to lose my father! I wasn't going to lose my brother as well," I retorted as Charles stood away, not wanting to interfere.

"I'm not your brother!" Leith exclaimed causing me to take a step back. "And that man you are about to see is not your father, so stop pretending he is."

"Next time, I'll let you die," I replied before going in the direction to my kingdom.

How dare he! He's always been a brother to me, and the king a father. I have no family of my own, they are my family.

As the sun slowly rose, we arrived at the gates. None of us said a word since the argument between Leith and I. The gates were risen once the men realized who it was.

I guess it's hard to recognize me because I'm covered in blood, but it doesn't matter. Once the gates were risen I didn't hesitate to run upstairs the many, many stairs towards my fathers chambers. As I opened the door, mother looked relieved yet horrified at me.

Not really caring, I ran to my ill fathers side and gripped his hand in mine. He smiled sadly at me.

"I don't believe I wanted you covered in blood," he whispered before coughing.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm here now," I answered tears in my eyes.

"You have made me so proud," he began. "You are the best daughter anyone could ever have, never forget that. Never let anyone tell you different."

"I love you, daddy," I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks as I heard footsteps coming to the door.

"Your mother will need y-you," he coughed.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. She won't be alone. I love you," I whispered kissing his forehead as he took his last breath with a smile on his face.

Crying, I shakily close his eyes before my mother joins my side and cries beside me. He was the love of her life.

The only sounds in the room were of us crying and sniffling, mourning the marvelous king already. Where would we be without him? Nowhere!

I heard footsteps coming closer to the two of us and looked up to see Leith with a look of guilt and sorrow written on his face.

"Back away!" I yelled standing immediately as mother tried calming me. "Leave at once!"

"Katerina, please," Leith begged as Charles watched yet again, but with a strange look on his face.

"I order you to leave! You made it clear that we're not family, so you are not welcome here. Go," I ordered.

He slowly backed out, and I fell to my knees, crying, my mother coming to my side at once. She hugged me and I gripped her arm, unable to control myself as Charles gave one last look and left, obviously sensing that we needed to be alone.

 She hugged me and I gripped her arm, unable to control myself as Charles gave one last look and left, obviously sensing that we needed to be alone

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We gripped each other tight, but not for long as some guards came storming in. My mother wiped her tears and made herself presentable before facing the guards and escorting them out of the room.

Not being able to handle being alone in my fathers chambers, I left through a hidden passageway and towards my room. To stay hidden from the world.

Once in there, I saw a body and realized it was Charles before composing myself and he realized I entered

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Once in there, I saw a body and realized it was Charles before composing myself and he realized I entered. He turned my way and looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry about your father," he spoke softly stepping towards me.

"Me too," I replied looking at the ground.

"Just know your not alone. You have people with you," he answered causing me to look up at him.

"Thank you," was the response before I pulled him into an unexpected hug.

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