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As I awoke, the sun streamed in through the curtains, perfectly settling on Charles' soft face as he slept. He's been pretty upset since his mother and family left Bulgaria.

I can't blame him, though. It all happened at once. However, he's been kind enough to help me prepare for the arrival of Elizabeth, and for my coronation.

Which is in only a day. My stress level is high, worrying my already distraught mother. Quickly and quietly, I slip out of bed and change out of my nightgown, into a different dress. Then continue my way out the room and to my throne room.

Honestly, I've been feeling better, but occasionally there is an ache in my side.

Reaching the throne room, my loving brother and mother were waiting nervously with another red headed woman. Leith quickly came to my side and explained how they've been speaking with Elizabeth since she arrived twenty minutes ago.

"Elizabeth," I bowed. "Pleasure to put a face to the name."

"Ah, you must Katerina," she smiled. "Thank you for allowing me to attend your coronation tomorrow. After hearing about the first attempt, I figured my soldiers could help protect your country a little better."

My mother and I looked at each other before smiling awkwardly. Leith then showed Elizabeth to her quarters as I rubbed my forehead sighing.

"My dear child," my mother said placing a hand on my arm. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Well, I didn't want this wonderful country to be one of war, so I allowed her to come."

"You're so stupid, my sweet girl," she replied earning an annoyed smile from me.

She then proceeded to walk away as Charles walked in confused. After explaining everything that's going on, he finally understood, pulling me into a comforting hug as I sighed in annoyance.

As we pulled away, I offered a small smile before a servant handed me a glass of water that I had asked for on my way here. She was shaking as I gripped it from her hand and placed the cup to my lips before Charles ripped it from my grasp and threw it to the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I demanded before seeing the spots on the side of the cup.

"I'm so sorry, your highness. But they threatened my family if I didn't do what they asked," the girl rushed out before my guards grabbed her arms.

"Wait!" I said earning surprised looks from Charles, the girl, and the guards. "Name the people who told you to kill me."

"They were here before. Those awful men before they forced themselves into your people's homes, capturing families and threatening to kill them if they ever told."

"Tell me their names," I pleaded. "It could save us all."

"They never told, I swear it. But they wore helmets with red and white paint plastered on them," she whispered nervously.

"Take her away," Charles ordered earning nods from my guards.

"I was warned," I  muttered.

"What are you talking about?" He whispered.

"I was warned something would happen. And look at what has-"

"You need to calm down. Okay? Just take a deep breath and tell me what on Earth you're talking about," Charles interrupted.

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