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My mother sent me out of the room at once, guards leading me to the secret passage which leads to the stables. Knowing the way, I ordered the guards to head back in order to protect her.

Lighting a candle, I go to find where the weapons are held instead of the stables. Along the way, I heard echoes of separate footsteps, causing me to practically run, until I bumped into someone.

My only source of light fell to the ground as my heart quickened and a hand wrapped around my arm, making it harder for me to leave.

"Katerina, it's me," Charles spoke causing me to calm down a bit. "It's me."

"What the hell are you doing here Charles? You were meant to be escorted out of the castle and-"

"You didn't really think we would leave, did you?" He questioned letting go of me.

"Yes I-wait. Where's Catherine?" I asked.

"She said she was going back to protect you. Why?"

"She wasn't there. Charles, those men are after her. What about Leith? Did he at least accompany her?"

"No, he showed us to the passage way then left us. Going to find and protect you."

"Oh my god. Stay here," I answered turning around and walking back the way I came.

"If you think I'm going let you go out alone to play hero, you have another thing coming," Charles said grabbing my hand and stopping me.

"Fine. Then shut up and follow me."

He nodded in response as I slowly opened the door and walked out. Once Charles came out, we closed it back up and hid it before walking back to the dining hall.

On the way their, however, one of "guests" found us, and held a blade at us before we were escorted to our main area.

"Ah, she returns," the man spoke gesturing towards me. "Where did you leave to?"

My mother looked horrified as I put on a false smile and walked towards the man.

"I only needed to get a guest so we could enjoy a lovely dinner together. Do sit," I said as politely as possible.

"Perhaps another time, your majesty. For now, I need what I came here for."

"Well, I can assure you that Catherine de Medici is not in this castle," my mother replied.

"But that is her son," he stated nodding towards Charles.

"Correct. I invited him here to help plan my coronation," I answered walking towards Charles. "We are the best of friends."

"I don't believe you. Either give me Catherine or hand over the boy," the leader commanded as one of his men put a sword right in front of us.

Stepping in front of Charles to protect him, the point of the blade poked at my chest as I glared at the man before me, my guards slowly drawing their weapons.

"He is not up for discussion. I will admit, Catherine was here only a day ago, but left this morning. She's probably half way to France right now," I spoke strongly. "Now leave my castle at once."

He looked as if he was going to argue against it, but then decided not and called his men back, our guards leading them out. Once they were out of the castle, my mother was escorted back to the dungeons and Catherine finally stepped out of the shadows.

"Thank you, my dear. For not only protecting my son, but for protecting me. I promise you, I would've stepped-"

"No you wouldn't have," Charles interrupted stepping away from his mother

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"No you wouldn't have," Charles interrupted stepping away from his mother. "She had a sword to her throats in order to protect us and our family. You watched the entire thing, seeing if they would actually kill her before you would have the courage to step out. Tell me mother, if it were only I left standing in the room, would you have stepped out and saved me?"

"Of course-"

"Liar! I finally understand what Francis and Mary have been saying-"

"Charles," I spoke calmly, interrupting him before the idiot would say something he regretted. "Enough. Take a moment."

He stared at me, slowly calming down before exiting the room.

Catherine stared after him, heartbroken before looking towards me. I merely shook my head and quietly left the room, going to a quiet-nearly empty part of the castle and began to take deep breaths.

My heart was racing from what happened and I could barely calm down. Once I did, I saw Leith down the hall, noticing how he took a deep breath as he looked towards me.

I wanted to speak to him. Truly, but what he said broke my heart. I can't do it again. So instead of going to talk with my brother, I walked towards the dungeons.

A guards let me in, one more standing beside me as I looked at my mother. She had a different look in her eye, a kinder one. Loving even. But I didn't let it phase me.

"I'll inform some workers to decorate this room a bit. So you can have a nice view," I said gesturing slightly to the wall. "I'll even have them bring a bed inside, so you can lie comfortable and not feel like death on the inside."

"Darling, I don't care about any of that. All I care about is that you are alright," she replied.

"Honestly, I was nervous, but I took a deep breath and now I'm better," I replied not looking at her.

"I know you hate me. And I know you think that I poisoned your father, but I didn't. I promise."

"I shall bring a book for you to read tomorrow. Unfortunately you'll have to lie on that cot for the night," I answered ignoring her previous comment.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, my love."

With that, I turned around and left her there. I was escorted back to my chambers where a note was lying on my bed.

Thank you, for saving me.


It brought a smile to my face as I placed it on my desk, walked to my window and looked out onto the night sky.

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