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Today's the day. My guests are arriving, my servants are frantically running around trying to make today perfect. And I'm...

Hiding. I'm so nervous. What if I mess up? What if I drop something? There are so many things that could go wrong. It's too late to cancel it, what am I going to do?

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts as a guard informed me that the Valois family has arrived. Nodding my head, I make my way to them.

Sebastian ran to me, giving me a massive hug the second his eyes found mine. I laughed as he set me back on the ground, trying to regain my balance.

Francis was next, giving a gentler hug than Bash did, thankfully. He told me that Claude had found Leith and is with him now. I merely nodded before smiling at Mary and giving her a hug.

"I've missed you all. And since Mary is here, I finally won't be the only girl," I laughed earning some smiles from everyone.

"I thought my mother came," Francis noted.

"She did, but she's probably gone by now," Charles said walking up to the group and giving a hug to his brother.

"Why on earth would Catherine leave? She loves Katerina," Mary questioned.

"I haven't been on speaking terms with mother. She nearly got us killed."

"What? How?" Francis and Mary asked as Bash pulled me aside.

"Are you all right?" He whispered.

"I'm fine, Sebastian. Just some complications along the way."

"Well, where is your brother? Why haven't-"

"No, Sebastian. We will not think negatively until after the coronation. Besides Leith was probably protecting my people like I asked perhaps a hundred guards to do."

"You never cease to amaze me," he smiled as we rejoin the others.

"You men go talk, I must take Katerina to help her prepare for her coronation," Mary said grabbing my hand. "Now, I've never been here before, which way is your chambers?"

"Don't worry. We still have time," I replied forcing a smile.

"Only an hour," she exclaimed.

"Katerina, may I speak to you in private?" Francis asked.

"Of course."

We went to the throne room where I began to fall completely apart the second the doors closed. Why would I do this to myself? I'm not ready.

"You need to relax," Francis said observing me. "Stressing out won't make anything better."

"Oh shut up," I answered. "My mother was right. I shouldn't be queen, she should-"

"You are the only person suited for being a queen in your country. Never doubt that."

"Francis, I may just walk right out. I have no idea what to do as a ruler-"

"Then take it step by step. Step one, get changed. Step two, walk in front of your people and prove to them that you deserve this. Step three, have an amazing night in honor of your coronation."

I nodded, smiling before hugging Francis. When we let go, we left and went our separate ways as Mary helped me get dressed for the celebration.

 When we let go, we left and went our separate ways as Mary helped me get dressed for the celebration

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Once ready, we walked out and the castle was beautifully decorated. My mother, along with her guards, was waiting for me in front of the doors.

She pulled me into a hug, sensing my nervousness before the guards led her to her seat, not taking an eye off her.

Before the doors opened for myself, a hand grabbed mine from behind and I saw Charles.

"You're gonna be amazing," he whispered with a smirk. "Just breathe."

"Your incredible, you know that?"

"I've been told before," he joked earning a laugh from me.

"What if I'm not the queen I want to be? What if I drive my country into the ground?"

"Then France would be honored to pick up the pieces for you," Charles answered. "I would be honored to pick up the pieces for you."

He took a step closer, his breath fanning my face as we stare into each other's eyes. Before anything could happen, I took a step back, smiled and nodded to the guards at the door.

I'm ready.

As I walk down the aisle, all eyes are on me. Some waiting for me to fall, others waiting for me to be the next ruler.

I knelt down before the priest, as he spoke Gods word. But it didn't last long. Before I knew it, I felt blood on my face and saw a spear sticking out of the priests stomach.

Everyone was frantic real quick as we saw the Red Knights, standing proud at the doorway with Catherine in their hands. Some fighting to stay in and face off these horrific men.

My guests fled through spare doors as the Valois, Mary, my mother and I stood facing the traitors with our guards behind us. Leith rushing Claude out. Charles was by my side in an instant, but it didn't matter.

They wanted a show and they got one.

"Give us the crown, and we'll let you live," the leader spoke, tightening his grip on Catherine.

"Let her go," I spat. "You have no power here."

"Neither do you, princess. So we're willing to make a trade."

"What kind of trade?" Sebastian asked.

"In private. Only myself and the princess."

Everyone began to protest, but I didn't let it affect me.

"Fine," I said earning surprised and angry looks from people in the room. "Guards, watch them."

"This is mad," Bash said walking towards me.

"It doesn't matter," I replied facing him. "If he wants to negotiate, then we will. He wouldn't be foolish enough to harm me."

"You are not speaking with him alone," Francis spoke swiftly.

"She is," my mother commented. Everyone looked at her in disbelief as she stood proud. "This is her choice. Do not pressure her into another."

She left, but not before speaking to the leader quietly. Everyone else slowly followed, my guards surrounding them.

"What trade do you wish to make?"

"We'll allow the monstrous Catherine de Medici live."


"You take her place. Come with us willingly and we won't harm any of your people and she'll live."

"If I don't accept?"

"We will murder everyone in your kingdom, along with your brother."

That's what got my attention.

"So you would declare war on a nation that has done no wrong to you? That hardly seems fair."

"Life isn't fair, your highness. So what'll it be?"

I gave him a long hard look before doing something I didn't think I would. I pulled a dagger out from behind my dress and stabbed him in the stomach.

"No," I whispered in his ear.

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