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My head is spinning, but I can't see a thing. I try calling out, but no sound escapes my mouth. I turn and turn, trying to find some sort of light, but there is none.

Maybe I went to hell for murdering that man. It wouldn't be unreasonable. I deserve it. The man had a family, whether they were crazy or not-

A noise interrupted me from further self destruction. Spinning around, I see a light, a blinding light, with noise pouring out of it.

Hesitantly, I began walking towards it, curiosity getting the better of me. However, voices came from the opposite direction. Each is tempting, what am I supposed to do?

Before I could choose, there was a small child in front of me. She looked so familiar, yet I couldn't quite place it.

The little girl grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the direction of the voices.

"But, why?" My voice sounded so far away, unimaginable.

"I'm here to help you. You'll see," she whispered before the voices became clearer and I opened my eyes to see Leith and a doctor hovering over me.

"Katerina, how do you feel?" Leith asked pushing some hair off my head.

"Like I got stabbed," I muttered earning a light laugh from my brother. "What happened? Where's Catherine?"

"She's in the dungeon. Your mother locked her away immediately and hasn't let her out since," Leith explained as my doctor handed me some water. "This may not be the best of news for you, but the Valois wanted to stay to make sure you were okay."

"Of course," I nodded handing the cup back to my physician.

After receiving my medicine, my dear brother helped me stand, even if he didn't want to, and we began walking to the door, making sure we moved slow enough to not make my injuries any worse.

We went to the throne room where my mother was speaking with Francis. Mary was the first to notice us as we stopped in the middle of the room, myself needing a break.

"Katerina, how are you?" Mary asked walking towards us with others in tow.

"Sore, but other than that fine," I smiled as Leith carefully let go of me, afraid I would fall if I didn't have him.

"You should be in bed," Francis spoke worriedly.

"No, I should be here to apologize to you all. You didn't deserve what I threw at you. It wasn't fair of me-"

"Katerina, shut up," Bash smiled. "You reacted like any rational person would. We should've respected that."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't," I smiled before feeling a little dizzy and backed up a little only to have Bash gently grab my arm to keep me steady.

"You should rest," my mother insisted.

"I've been resting for long enough. It's time for me to get back to my country," I replied.

"We shouldn't try to convince you otherwise, should we?" Francis smirked.

"Of course not," I smiled earning some laughs.

"You're just as stubborn as your father," my mother laughed pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

I offered a small smile before Bash helped me to the dungeons so I could confront Catherine for her treacherous deeds. Francis was right behind us as we reached the door and the guards let me in.

Inside, the three of us walked down the stairs and found Charles talking with Catherine. Sebastian let go of me and led Charles out under my command as Francis stood beside me for my lack of balance.

Catherine looked surprised to see me standing at all and almost walked to us when she took notice of her son. However, she knew better and staid back as Francis placed one hand on his sword.

"How on Earth did you survive?" Catherine asked.

"Catherine, your punishment is up to your son," I stated. "You're in my country and usually I would have you hanged, but since Francis is here and the King of France, his decision will be final."


"Mother you have committed some crazy crimes, but this, this is worst thing you have ever done. Our entire lives you have told us that Katerina is family, and now you've decided to kill her. Do explain how her saving your children time and again is worthy of death?"

"She was banishing you from her coronation, what else was I to do?"

"Not disappear! She saved Charles, hell she even saved you. And you thank her, by stabbing her."

"Francis, please listen to me."

"No. You have lost every right to an explanation. You are hereby banished from the French court, from the Bulgarian court and are no longer my mother."

"Francis, please," Catherine begged. You could actually see her heartbreak.

"The Valois family has no father and certainly no mother. Everything you own and have worked for will be gone."

Catherine looked terrible. She was beginning to freak out as Francis and I slowly made our way up the steps to the door.

"This is all your fault!" She screamed as we exited the door. Just as the door closed, we heard a thud and the guards opened the door to see her heel sticking out of the door.

They swiftly closed and locked the cell as the two of us made our way back to the throne room. There, everyone looked concerned as to what our decision was and Francis had let me go and walked to his wife.

He pulled her into a hug as Sebastian came over and hugged me, knowing that Catherine has always been an inspiration to me, but now was nothing.

As we parted, Charles looked over at us, clearly upset. Francis announced the decision that was agreed upon which sent Charles over the edge.

He then stormed out, as my head began to spin, but I ignored it, knowing there are more important matters at hand. Sebastian helped me to the garden, where I sat and watched a few of the servants kids play.

They were always so much fun, so my father allowed them to be here because of how much our servants do for us. Sebastian never left my side as we watched them in silence, a small smile on my face.

"Once you're healed, you'll be able to have your coronation," Sebastian began.

"I doubt it," I replied facing him.

"How so?"

"Because of all the trouble that's been caused just by the word."

"Do you not want to be queen?"

"Of course I do, it's just. When the time comes, I'll expect something to happen to ruin the day because of everything else. You know?"

He only nodded and we went back to looking over the children. One day, hopefully, I will officially be Queen.

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