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They tried to help me, but instead I pushed them away and walked to my castle. I could barely breathe, my heart pounding in my chest the entire way to my room.

Once there, I closed the door, making sure no one would follow me in, pushing a table in front of it. Then I walked to my fireplace, and began a fire, immediately removing my dress and corset from my body. Once I was completely naked, I threw my clothes into the fire. Not wanting to look down at my injured body, I put on a robe and tie it tight around my body.

From there, I shakily walked to the window and peer out towards the woods eyeing my guards as they raided the forest, in search of my capturers.

Nobody knows what happened, but I think they're suspecting. It doesn't matter though, the only thing that matters is staying out of sight.

There was a knock on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. However, I ignored it and staid by the window, staring into the dark forest.

"Sweetheart, let me in," my mother tried, but I didn't move.

"Sweetheart, let me in," my mother tried, but I didn't move

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It still feels like I can't breathe. My eyes begin to water before tears just freely roll down my cheeks, pain spreading through out my body.

More knocks kept coming, but I only drowned them out as the image of what happened continued to haunt me and it was like I was reliving it all over again.

The knocks ceased for a moment as I walked to my desk, opened a drawer, and grabbed a knife. As I took the cover off and slowly walked to my bed, there was banging on my door, causing tears to stream faster down my face.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I place the fine point of the blade in between my breasts, no emotion in my body any longer as the tears stop and I begin pushing the dagger.

Flashback: 10 years ago

We were running f around the garden, trying to beat each other as we continued to race. However, I quickly won and began dancing around.

'I let you win,' Leith wined as I smiled happily towards him.

'I beg you did,' I tried, but only hugged my brother as my father joined us.

'I'm not ready for you to leave yet,' Leith complained.

'Daddy, can I stay another day?' I asked blinking fast with a puppy dog face.

'Stay as long as you like,' he replied.


As I snapped back into reality, the dagger was ripped from my grasp and thrown to the ground.

Looking to my right, I see Catherine, drenched in blood shakily standing there. She hesitantly reaches an arm out, causing me to flinch back.

"My dear child," she started. "I promise I can help you. Those men who took you, they can't hurt anyone anymore."

"Katerina! Open the door!" My mother screeched as my door shook from whatever was hitting it.

"I know you hate me, as you should, but I need you to trust me. I beg of you," Catherine pleaded.

"Why are you covered in blood?" I whispered, unable to recognize my own voice.

"When I heard you were taken, I searched the forest and killed those wretched men who attacked you," she explained as I heard the secret passage door open. "I am on your side. Do you trust me?"

Unable to trust my voice, I merely nod and shakily grasp her arm before she slowly pulls me to her body.

Hearing the table move caused me to jump out of Catherine's embrace to see Charles opening the door to let those standing out my door inside.

Leith walked in and immediately raised his sword towards Catherine, which the guards soon followed. However, I stepped in front of the woman in a protective manner.

"What is this?" Leith questioned. "She tried to kill you. You banished her!"

I flinched when he yelled. "Catherine Medici is hereby under my protection," my voice wavered. "Her banishment h-has been l-lifted."

"Guards, kill Catherine," my mother demanded.

"If any harm comes to Catherine, you will hang," I threatened.

"Leave us," my mother stated, causing the guards to exit the room, closing the door, while Charles and Leith stayed with us women. "What is going on? What did you do to my daughter?"

"Nothing. Except help her," Catherine explained as I wrapped my arms tightly around my body.

"How am I supposed to believe that? After everything you've done?"

"What about what you've done? Don't pretend to be innocent," Catherine stated causing my head to lift as we stared at my mom in surprise.

"Mom, what is she talking about?" I hesitantly asked moving some hair behind my ear.

"Nothing, honey. She's a manipulator and is trying to turn you against me," my mom said stepping towards me as I stepped back.

"Tell me."

"She's killed more people than you know," Catherine said. "She told your birth parents that if they didn't give you up she would kill you, then placed you with Leith's family before ripping you away from them."

Tears were brought to my eyes as I looked at my mother accusingly. She said nothing so I knew it was true, causing Leith and I to scoff in disbelief.

"How could you do that to me?" I whispered refusing to look her in the eye. "You're the reason all of this happened to me!"

"Do not raise your voice at me. I am your mother."

"You are no one! Get out of this castle before I have you murdered," I threatened causing her to walk to the door.

Leith walked her out as Catherine left the room to give me space as I began hyperventilating.

"You need to calm down," Charles spoke placing his hands on my shoulders causing me to jump back in fright. "What happened in that forest?"

"Charles stay away from me, please," I begged backing to the wall.

"Did-did they touch you?" He questioned not moving as I ran my hands through my hair. "You're hurt."

"Charles, get out. I beg you. I'll see you tomorrow at the coronation," I said moving across the room to the door.

"Katerina, please tell me they didn't touch you," he said stepping towards me.

"Ch-Charles. Stay back," I whispered back against the door.

"Not until you tell me," he bargained standing in front of me, his breath fanning over my face.

My heart was beating loudly in my chest as I began to lose my breath. Charles took notice and quickly backed away as I held a hand to my chest and knelt to the ground.

"Stay away from me," I murmured tears slipping down my cheeks. "Please."

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