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It's only been three days since the announcement of Catherine's banishment was made. Throughout those days, Elizabeth has threatened to become an enemy of my country if I do not have her at my coronation, my mother has been orchestrating my entire coronation preparation and Charles refuses to speak to me or Francis.

As I walk to the throne room, my side begins to ache, causing me to lean against the wall, and use it as support to finish my path. Slowly stepping through the doors, a guard catches me before I fall to the ground.

He immediately calls for help, my brother there in an instant. Leith yells for one of the guards to get the doctor as he carefully picks me up and carries me back to my quarters.

My eyes feel droopy, but I force them to stay open, afraid of not being able to wake up otherwise. Soon enough, I feel the soft cotton of my bed fabric under me, but only grow weaker.

"Katerina, stay awake. A doctor is on his way. Listen to me," Leith begged gripping my hand.

"Brother, I-I am just-just so tired," I barely made out, my voice growing softer with each word.

"Brother, I-I am just-just so tired," I barely made out, my voice growing softer with each word

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"Hold on. I beg of-"

My eyes slowly began to close, my exhaustion drowning out the world around me. My head began pounding, pain filling my body.

Moments later, I felt hands on my shoulders shaking me to wake up. My eyes slowly open, and I see Leith sitting on the edge of my bed with fear in his eyes.

Slowly, I move my head and see the Valois boys, Mary, Sebastian and my mother. My mother being the person sitting on my bed, moving my hair out of my face.

"How are you feeling?" Sebastian asked moving closer.

"Terrible. Mother, what's happening?" I questioned looking up at her.

"Your doctor demands you rest. If you don't, you could die," she answered.

"We both know I can't rest."

"Rest up until the coronation then," Leith interrupted. "I will not lose you, sister."

"Leith. I am fine. Only tired."

"Stop lying!" Francis yelled. "You are close to death and you don't even care!"

"Francis, now is not the time," Mary tried to calm him down.

"This is the only time, Mary," he replied.

"Sebastian, I think it's best that we leave," my mother said as the two walked passed Charles and to the door.

Carefully, I moved off my bed, Leith helping annoyed. I stood at the end, a hand on the post and the other on Leiths arm.

"Tell me," I stated.

"I've read your letters. To England. Are you considering the offer Elizabeth made you?" Francis asked as I looked at him in disbelief.

"How dare you! Those are private. My negotiation with Elizabeth is not your concern."

"It is. She is an enemy of Scotland, who is allied with France who is your ally as well. So yes, it is my concern."

"I've been speaking with you about the trouble with Elizabeth even though I shouldn't! Francis how can you not trust me?"

"Tell me the truth. Are you considering her deal?"

"I wasn't at first, but now I am. You can't betray me and expect the answer you want. Your actions have consequences, Francis. My country is one of peace, not of war."

"If you align yourself with England, then it will be."

"You're not in my position! Besides, if you think about, I could ease the unsettled waters between Scotland and England. I could give Mary protection."

"You are nobody! You have no power!" Francis yelled. "You were taken from a home in France and given a kingdom as a child. You are nothing. Your own parents didn't want you!"

"Francis!" Mary and Charles screamed.

"Francis, that is enough," Mary scolded.

"France has no place at my coronation," I stated blinking away the tears. "Leith is going to represent your horrid country."

"Katerina-" Francis began slowly.

"We are not friends. We are not family. All we are is a contract. Binding my country to yours in an alliance, only."

"There's something you should know," Francis began. "You have been in an engagement with Charles since you were children."

"I would've been told this," I replied.

"It is the reason our countries were aligned in the first place. So like it or not, we are family and we will be staying for the coronation," Francis spat.

"You will not," I answered slowly walking towards him. "Your brother is. My brother is. Now you, your wife, your mother and half brother must leave by tomorrow evening. Or there will be no alliance or engagement."

Francis only nodded then stormed out, with Mary right behind him who wore a worried look. Leith then helped me to my bed and handed me some papers and a pen so I could write my letters.

Once Leith left and stood outside my door, Charles came by my side and moved everything else onto the desk once I finished. He only sat quietly as I laid all the way down and cried silently.

He placed a hand on my back, rubbing it softly, letting me cry out everything I was feeling. As I finished crying, he stood up, but I gripped his hand into mine.

"Please don't leave me," I whispered.

"I won't," he replied and laid beside me.

"Did you know about the engagement?" I asked facing Charles.

"Yes. But I only found out after my mother attacked you. I should've told you. I'm sorry," Charles murmured staring into my eyes. "And I am so sorry about Francis. What he said-"

"Was the truth," I interrupted looking down. "I came from nothing. Nobody wanted me but Leith and my parents."

"He's an arse. Afraid of losing his throne," Charles spoke softly earning my gaze.

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