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     After Nick and Namjoons feirce battle. The Winner Was Clearly Nick...But then thats when Nick found out that his Little brother was still alive..But come to find out his little brother is Jungkook.

    Nick and namjoon were walking toward the 3 youngers and Taehyung. Namjoons was all bruised up but they would go away in a matter of seconds. All Nick Could do was stare at his little brother.

      "Hey Um Nick Why are you staring at me, its creepy." Jungkook hides behind seokjin.  "Jungkook." Namjoon rubbing his arm " Do you remember when i first found you...and you were all alone, but you said you were looking for you big brother?" Namjoon staring at Jungkook.

 Jungkooks comes from behind seokjin with widen eyes. "Y-yeah...." Jungkook heart starts to be at a raipid pace.

" Well I Found Him" Namjoon slightly smiles. when Jungkook heard namjoon say that he was filled with so much emotion, he had tears rolling down his face. " R-really? Where is he?" Jungkook is anxious to know. 

           Namjoon points at nick with a slight smile on his face, Jungkooks heart skipped a beat as he turns his attention to nick.

    Nick looks at Jungkook and holds out his arms , Jungkook quickly ran into nicks arms and broke down because he thought his big brother was dead but turns out he's always been there with him.

       Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung Watched as the 2 Brothers Reunited and all of them had a smile on their faces.

"w-why didnt you tell me sooner" Jungkook sobbing and looks at namjoon waiting for him to respond. " Well...i didnt realize it until earlier....You see when Yoongi was explaining to us about Nicks past and what happened to your parents, I then remember when i gave nick the list of your said your parents were deceased but that couldnt of been a conquincidence and you act so much like nick so thats when i figured it out." Namjoon scratching his head.

  Jungkook burries his face into nicks chest, and nick holds him tighter.  "I Cant believe i didnt even notice my own little brother...." Nick snarls and is disappointed in himself.

       Everyone walks towards to the 2 reunited brothers and begins a group hug. Namjoon points out that it is late at night.

"Hey guys its almost 4 Am we should go inside and get some rest." Everyone Nods in agreement. 

        Nick Takes Jungkook and Jimin and they go seperate ways then Seokjin,Namjoon and Taehyung , Nick tells Jungkook to wait for him by the big clock at the top of the stairs, Nick walked Jimin outside the door to his bedroom. Nick Grabs both of Jimins hand and looks into his eyes.

         "You Know You Can Just sleep in my room.., You dont have to sleep alone." Jimin smiles at nicks offer. "Maybe another night , you just found you out your little brother was here, You should spend time with him.." Jimin wraps his arms around nicks neck and kisses him.

 Nick wraps him arms around Jimins waist and kisses him back.

       After a few moments of them making out they finally let go because nick had to go meet Jungkook by the clock.

 "Good Night Jimin" Nick Smiles. Nick was on his way to meet jungkook but Jimin stopped nick.

 "....I Love You" Nick quickly turns around and walks back towards Jimin and looks him in the eyes.

"I Love You 2" Nick Kisses Jimin one last time and Makes his way to meet his brother. Jimin enters his room and slides down his back against the closed door with a big smile on his face.

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