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"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" everyone shouted.

I was at Jordan's New Year's party. Everyone was having a blast! I think I had a few too many. That's saying something because I'm Irish. I danced for about an hour, or what felt like it, before Ellie and Jordan dragged me off to his room. They lied me on the bed and put the blanket over me. I struggled to pull the blanket off. When I finally did, I sat up and stared at them. There were 2 of each of them.

"I'm not tired!"

 "Niall go to bed, you're drunk." Jordan said

"No I'm not! I'm Irish!" I giggled.

"Yes you are....both. Now, sleep!!" Ellie said.

"I want pajamas!!" I shouted

"Fine." Jordan said.

He went over to his dresser and pulled out some pajama pants. I pulled them on after shoving my skinny jeans down my legs. I pulled off my shirt and jumped into the bed. I sat up staring at the 2 Jordans, since the 2 Ellies had left.


"I can't sleep"

"Fine. I'll sleep with you then."

I watched as he pulled off his clothes until he was wearing nothing but briefs, and climbed into the bed.

"Goodnight, Niall"


I turned so I was facing the wall. After about 10 minutes I still wasn't asleep. I kept moving and squirming around. Eventually I heard Jordan groan and turn to face me.

"Stop moving" he grumbled.

He wrapped an arm around my waist. I tried to move again, but his grip only got tighter. I sighed and lied still. Eventually I fell asleep.

**12:20 PM**

I finally woke up, squinting at the harsh light pouring in through the open curtains. I rolled over and snuggled further into Jordan's neck. Then I realized I was cuddled in Jordan's bed, in Jordan's pajama bottoms, with Jordan's arms wrapped around me. I carefully got up and walked into the bathroom, pulling out 2 painkillers from the cabinet.

I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water to wash down the pills. I went and laid on the couch, covering my eyes in the crook of my elbow, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. A short while later my friends appeared in the living room.

"Well good morning Sleeping Beauty!" Brandon yelled.

"Stop fucking yelling." I grumbled, covering my face in my hands.

"Sorry" he chuckled

He sat down on the couch, pulling my feet into his lap. Jordan and Ellie sat down on opposite ends of the floor space.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"You slept with Jordan." Ellie said.

"That's bloody fantastic!" I said sarcastically

"Hey! Don't have to seem so upset about it. And btw all we did was sleep." Jordan said defensively.

I chuckled and started to sit up.

"Well that's great to know." I said. "Now food."

"Same old Niall. Even hung over" Bandon said following me in to the kitchen.

I chuckled and hopped up onto the counter. We all decided on Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Hot Chocolate. A few hours later we were all sitting around the living room, watching TV and talking.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up from my laying position on the couch.

"7:23" Brandon said

"Crap. Let me get home before my mum flips shit" I said.

"Yeah. Me too." Ellie said

"Me three" Brandon said following us to the door.

We all said our goodbyes and started our journeys home. I walked through the front door and sat my stuff down at the bottom of the stairs and went into the kitchen. I danced around to the music playing in my headphones for a while before I started to make myself something to drink. I thought I heard a chuckle in the pauses between the last song and the next one but I didn't think anything of it. After the next song ended, I took my headphones off. I heard the chuckle again and I knew for a fact it wasn't the music this time.

I walked around the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. Peeking over the top of the couch was a mass of curly/wavy hair.


He turned around and smirked at me. I could see the evil glint in his eye.

I ran down the hall to her room. I walked in to see her sitting on her bed.

"Mum, what is Harry Styles doing here?"

"OH! He's living with us for a while."

"Us? Why here?"

"His grandparents, whom he lives with, asked if we could watch Harry while they go on vacation to Hawaii."

"What? Why-W-Why would you say yes?"

"Because Harry seems quite charming and I figured you and Harry could be friends."

"Yeah. Okay. How long is he staying for?"

"You know.... a few months."

"How many is a few months?"

"Its not that long. Only 7"


"Its not that bad."

"Yeah. Okay. I'm goin' ta go kill myself. Good bye!"

I stormed out of her room and up the stairs, grabbing my stuff in the process. I stormed to my room, the first one on the right. I was about to walk in but then Harry started to speak.

"Miss me over break?"


"Why not? I missed you Leprechaun."

"Don't call me that."

"What? Not happy to see me?"

I didn't answer. I didn't feel that I needed to. He chuckled at my silence.

"I guess not."

I groaned and walked into my room, slamming the door behind me. I placed all my stuff down and blasted music from my stereo. I grabbed a pair of briefs from the dresser and took a quick shower. When I came out, I plugged my phone into the charger and struggled to fall asleep.

"There's a shop down the street where they sell plastic rings for a quarter a piece, I swear it. yeah I know that its cheap not like gold in your dreams, but I hope that you'll still wear it." 


So that's it! let me know what you think please!!! and vote please!! love u!! k! BAII!!

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