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Hello people of Wattpad who just so happen to read my weird and poorly written story!! I hope you all are enjoying your summer vacation and if you aren't........I hope you survive through whatever it is you're still doing!

I burned my fingers  making a flower crown! Im an idiot.

Anyways here's the next chappie of Roommates for ya! Enjoy!



We got back to the house and as soon as I opened the door, Niall ran down the hall to go turn the alarm off. I sat my camera and and Niall's snapback on the counter.

"Ni, I'm gonna go take a shower!"

"M'Kay!" I chuckled at how cute he sounded. I mean I always thought it was cute when people said "M'Kay" but he just made it sound so much more adorable.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I grabbed briefs and got in the shower. After I finished washing, I pulled on pajama bottoms and went downstairs. I sat on the couch playing with my phone. I could hear his shower running.

A few minutes later, Niall came downstairs in nothing but pajama bottoms. SpongeBob pajama bottoms. Can you get anymore adorable?!

"Cute pajamas Nialler"

"Shut up. They were a gift." he said blushing. Just got more adorable.

"Adorable. But I'm hungry."

"I'm always hungry."

"True. Lets order pizza."


"You're such a child Ni"

"Bite me."

I leaned over and bit his finger.



"I didnt mean it literally!!"

"Ooops!" I got up and walked into the kitchen, still laughing, and found the number for Pizza Hut.

"What kinda pizza you want?" I yelled into the living room.


I ordered the pizza and sat next to Niall on the couch. He was typing furiously on his phone. I kicked my feet up onto his lap.





"I have to make them."

"Yes you do."




"I'll help you. Come on."

He stood up and dragged me behind him into the kitchen.He grabbed all the ingredients while I got all the untinsels. We sand along to the radio as we mixed eberything together.

"So I cross my heart and I hope to die. That I'll only stay with yo one more night. And I know I said it a million times. But I'll only stay with you one more night."

I took a glob of cake batter and smeared it across Niall's face.

"Got you!" I laughed running out into the living room.

"Harry!" Niall yelled chasing after me. I smiled at him as he  rounded the corner.

"You look good covered in batter."

RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now