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So I know I have been missing since like November, but let me explain why.

1. My computer broke. It literally would not charge, hold a charge, or even turn on.
For the longest, I did not have a computer and was stuck using my boyfriends laptop for school work.

2. I had school. I was in this duel enrollment program where my last two years of high school were spent gaining two years worth of college credit. Therefore when I graduated high school, I had my Associate of Arts Degree.

3. My family has been going through a real struggle currently. I have two really young nephews who are now probably going to be taken care of by my parents, their grandparents, because my sister got into trouble with the law.  

4. I'm going to college. I start my first year of college on August 21st, but I have the classification as a college Junior.

So there's a lot going on in my life currently.

But I have good news for you all.

1. I got a new computer!! Now I don't have to explain to my boyfriend why I'm writing One Direction fanfics on his laptop.

2. I will start updating next month. In reality, there are only a few chapters left in this story but I've been so preoccupied and stressed that I haven't been able to produce anything. But I don't wanna leave Niall and Harry's story, unfinished.

So starting in August I will update this story and try to have it finished for you guys by October at the latest.

Thank you guys so much for understanding and being extremely patient with me.

Love you all.

K. Baiii


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