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Boredom has struck

That means an update!!

Also the keyboard on my computer is acting weird so I'm writing this on my phone so I apologize for anything that may be wrong bc I don't proof read and auto correct sucks.

I hope you enjoy!


"You ready to go?" Harry asks

"Yea. Leggo" Niall answers

The two climb out of the car and head over to the stairs leading to the auditorium. Harry grabbed Niall's hand and dragged him over to his friends.

"Hey guys. You know my boyfriend, Niall" Harry says pulling Niall in front of him and hugging him from behind.

"Hey Niall. I'm Eddie." he says reaching out to shake hands.

"Hi" Niall says quietly, shaking his hand.

"Sup, I'm Mike" Mike says.


"I'm Dave. Nice to meet you"


Harry sits down on the bench, pulling Niall into his lap. Niall instantly blushes bright red.

"So when did all this happen?" Dave asked.

"Yesterday. We went swimming" Harry answered.

"So  Niall, is Harry as good a kisser as he claims?" Eddie teases.

Niall turns as red as a tomato, bidding his head slightly.

"Aww. He's blushing!! He's so adorable!!" Mike coos.

"Isn't he?" Harry responds kissing Niall's cheek.

If possible, Niall blushed even harder. He leaned back and his his face in Harry's neck, trying to hold back a smile.

"Stop it" he whispers in Harry's ear.

"Okay." he whispers back.

Just then, the bell rang. Niall slid off of Harry's lap and was just about to walk away when Harry grabbed his hand.

"You want me to walk you to class? Were going to the same building."

"Um.. sure yeah."

Harry intertwines their fingers and starts walking towards the math building. Niall's face turns bright red when he realizes that everyone is watching them.

"See you later, Leprechaun." Harry says stopping in front of Niall's classroom.

"Okay, see you later, Love" Niall answered pulling Harry in for a hug.

Harry s back and kisses Niall. Full on the lips. Niall gasps in shock as Harry pushes his tongue into his mouth. Niall immediately kisses back. Eventually the bell rings, interrupting the moment.

"Bye babe." Harry says pulling back.

"Bye" Niall breathes.

Harry winks and turns to walk down the hall. Niall slips into the classroom, turning bright red - for like the billionth time that day - when he sees everyone watching him.

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