Chapter 6

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Here's Chapter 6!!!

How are you guys doing?

Good? Bad? Yes? No? Maybe so?

Okay you can read now.

Warning: slight cussing

(not even, I bet you guys won't even notice)


Justin's POV:

Boy did I score or what?! I kissed him on his first day of school. I'm such a hottie I tell you.

Hopefully he's read my note by now.

"Justin?" Harry asked.

"Hm" I responded.

"Why do you have that creepy ass smile on your face?" he asked genuinely concerned.

"Well let's just say that I'm a step closer to receiving free cleaning service from my dear, old, curly haired, best friend, Harry." I replied in an old man's voice.

"Really?" He emphasized with a glint in his eyes.

"Yes." I said,"I just kissed Zayn on his first day of school. I'd say that's what? Justin-one and Harry-zero."

I didn't let him reply and continued, "As a matter of fact. Let's go celebrate at Mc Donald's." I added.

"Wow Justin, your how rich? But... Alright you cocky as shit lets go." Harry replied.


Harry's POV:

As I got into Justin's car I noticed he was sporting a weird smile on his face. Very creepy by the way.

"Justin?" I asked trying to get his attention.

He simply replied with a "Hm."

"Why do you have that creepy ass smile on your face?" I asked genuinely concerned.

"Well let's just say that I'm a step closer to receiving free cleaning service from my dear, old, best friend, Harry." Justin replied in a stupid old man's voice.

"Really?" I asked trying to sound interested. It seemed to work.

"Yes" he replied. "I just kissed Zayn on his first day of school. I'd say that's what? Justin-one and Harry-zero."

He didn't let me reply as he continued. "As a matter of fact, let's go celebrate at Mc Donald's."

"Wow Justin, your how rich? But... Alright you cocky ass shit, lets go." I replied in a joking manner.

I inwardly smiled. This meant my plan was working!

Justin really deserved someone who didn't want him just for his looks and fortune. Zayn seemed like a safe person, so knowing Justin and his competitive side, I made him agree to a bet I know he will lose.

I could tell that from the first day Justin saw Zayn, he was hooked. But knowing that arrogant little bastard, he wouldn't admit his feelings for Zayn to anyone, not even me.

Let's also not forget that when he loses this bet he'll wash my car, all by himself. For a month. Talk about a great best friend right?

It's a win-win situation for me. I felt the car slow down and shook myself out of my daze.

When we arrived at McDonalds I saw someone there that I didn't want to see. I knew I couldn't face them, not now at least.

"Uhm l-let's go through the drive-through yeah?" I asked, cursing under my breath for stuttering.

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