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Taehyung always went to the store on days Jungkook didn't. So he didn't exspect the younger to be there blocking him from his favorite chips.


"Why I'm looking for a bag of chips."

Taehyung frowned and crossed his arms.

"Let me at least grab my chips."

Jungkook looked over his shoulder at the male.


Taehyung mumbled something and moved forward pushing Jungkook away from his chips. He picked up a bag to only have it ripped from his hands.

"These look good thanks."

"You salty ass Oreo! Give it back!"


Jungkook placed the bag in his cart and walked away.

Later that day Taehyung returned home. He pulled into the driveway not even half way before he had to stop. In front of him was the two dogs fucking.

Taehyung pressed on his horn making the two dogs look up. After telling them to move the two ignored him and just continued fucking.

"Why can't you ever do it at his house."

"Don't tell them to fuck over here! It's only for us!"

Taehyung glared at his neighbor.
His left eye twitching slightly in anger.

"We're not fucking."

"That's what you think."

Jungkook winked and picked up all his groceries taking them inside.
Taehyung did the same thing just putting them in his house.

Taehyung had just gotten all snuggled up in bed when there was a tapping sound on his window. He looked at the two glass doors that led to his balcony.

He got up and Peeked threw the curtains to see Jungkook.

He unlocked the doors and opens them glaring at his neighbor for the second time today.

"What the hell makes it okay for you to wake me up from my almost slumber."

"Just wanted to give you this back."

Jungkook walked over to the railing of the balcony and leaned over it. Grunting a little as he picked something up.

"Here you go."

Jungkook put Duke down. Duke just causally walked into the house sleeping on his dog bed located in the corner.

"You couldn't have been normal and knock on my door?"

"That would've been boring. Plus I got to see you all mad and it's so cute. Wouldn't you agree princess?"

The older male blushed and pushed Jungkook back out.

"I'm not your princess and don't knock on this door again your going to give me a heart attack."

Neighbors DogWhere stories live. Discover now