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Taehyung was in the kitchen debating if he wanted chocolate cereal or fruity cereal. Jungkook walked into the kitchen to see Taehyung lifting up two boxes of cereal talking to himself.

"Fruity has strawberry.....chocolate makes my milk taste like chocolate milk."

"Why don't you mix them?"

Taehyung jumped and the two cereals fell.

"For fucking cheese don't do that!"

Jungkook laughed and wrapped his arms around Taehyungs waist.  Taehyung turned around and pecked Jungkooks lips.

"I like you."

"I like you too princess."

Jungkook picked Taehyung up and placed him on the counter. Taehyung whined and slapped Jungkooks arm.

"I washed these counters yesterday!"

"That's fine we are just going to make a mess anyways."

Taehyung sighed but leaned over and placed his lips on Jungkooks. Jungkook grinned and kissed back. He nipped at Taehyungs lip but being the rude person Taehyung was he didn't allow Jungkook entrance.

Jungkook trailed his hands down Taehyung body and slapped his inner thigh. Taehyung gasped and Jungkook took his chance to explore Taehyungs mouth.

Wanting this to go further Jungkook began to run his hands up and down Taehyungs thighs. Sometimes squeezing Taehyungs thighs.

"Kook. I'm. Hungry."

Taehyung panted in between kisses. Jungkook pulled away and groaned.

"Why can't I fuck you while you eat?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Cause id choke on my food."

"I can make you choke on my dick!"

Taehyung slapped Jungkooks arm.

"Cool down you hormonal cheese ball."

Not edited.

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