Wattpad messed shit up and posted this chapter in Orphans so if you saw that I'm sorry.
-"So Taehyung any kinks?"
Taehyung turned his head slowly to look at Jungkook.
"What's it to you?"
"I'll make a deal. I'll tell you one of mine if you tell me one of yours."
Taehyung weighed it out in his head before slowly nodding.
"I like to be called daddy."
Taehyung busted out laughing.
"You are so basic!"
Jungkook turned red.
"I know...."
Jungkook then looked at Taehyung his face suddenly serious.
"What about you. What one of the biggest ones you have?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"It's common so it's basic as well."
"Yeah,yeah okay spit the shit out."
Taehyungs face turned red as he thought about which one to tell him. Cause Taehyung himself knew he was hella kinky.
"One of the many is spanking."
Jungkook smiled.
"To you or to others."
Taehyung shook his head.
"I played the game already. I don't have to say if I'm the taker or giver."
"Any more kinks?"
"Of course I do everyone has kinks. Even if they don't realize them."
"Mind telling me one more?"
"You first."
"Dang boy."
Jungkook blushed. Taehyung smirked before pulling Jungkook in closer to his face.
"Tie me up daddy."
Jungkooks eyes widened. Damn two hits in one. He cleared his throat.
"I believe it's your turn."
Taehyungs face turned red.
"Um... okay so I like........"
To be continued...