Chapter 1

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Four years later

The music pounded in my ear as I danced to it. The amount of alcohol I am consuming isn't going to help with the hangover I'll have tomorrow either. It was the last party if the summer, and by far the greatest one of the year.

"Woooo," I screamed as I danced on top of the bar, with my closest friend for the past four years, Josh.

Josh laughed at me. I haven't seen him pick up a cup of beer since we got here, which was about two hours ago.

"C'mon Josh," I slurred, as I tried to hand him the rest of my beer that was in my cup. "Drink! You haven't had a cup since we got here."

He laughed and pushed my hand away gently, "No thanks Anna. I don't plan on drinking tonight. I don't want to push my limit to much, you know?"

When he finished talking he looked over my shoulder. I turned my head and looked at what he was staring at and saw the 'jocks' that graduated from college with us glaring at Josh. It's crazy how, even once they were 'mature' still picked on the gay kid. Yup, Josh is gay. And since he came out, in the beginning of our last year in college, he hasn't been treated the same.

I sighed and turned to look back at Josh," You want to leave?"

"Nah," He shrugged. "And you can get drunk enough for the both us"

"I like the way you think, my friend," I smirked at him.

And just like that the problem was forgotten and we danced and drank, well I drank, the night away.


I blinked my eyes open as I awoke, and instantly moaned in pain as the effects of last night hit me like a freight train. I then heard my bedroom door open, but didn't bother to see who it was as I prayed for this hangover to go away .

"Anna, time to get up," Josh said loudly as he walked towards the windows and pulled the curtains back, allowing sunlight to stream into the room. The bastard.

"No, don't," I groaned in annoyance, the sunlight seemed to have hit me right in the face. "go away, Josh, and close back the curtains," I mumbled.

"No, you have to get up," he pulled the covers off of me, causing me to groan once again. "You said you wanted to start looking for part time jobs until your professor came back to help you get an actual job."

He then noticed I wasn't paying him much mind, "Get up now, Annalise!"

I groaned, which seemed to be the twentieth time I did within the few minutes I've been awake, but did what he said. I got up and went into the shower.

I washed my body with my vanilla body wash, and washed my hair with the same scented shampoo and conditioner. I came out the shower, then put on my robe and walked towards the mirror, and wiped away the steam.

I looked at myself, and was surprised that I didn't look as bad as I felt. It just looked as if I was suffering from being deprived of sleep. I shrugged my shoulder and just brushed my teeth and wrapped a towel around my wet hair.

I walked out and saw that Josh had left out clothes for me. he left out a pair of black yoga pants, an old high school sweatshirt, and a black bra and panty set.

"Ugh, I love that man," I whispered to myself.


I walked out the room fully clothed and my hair in a bun. I saw Josh had left a steamy mug of coffee out for me on the isle in the kitchen.

"Thank you, Josh," I was so grateful for him.

"You're welcome, beautiful," he said with a smirk, while I glared at him.

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