Meet me

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I'm Rachelle Triovawn. I have two light blue eyes, white complexion and a straight brown hair. I am twenty years old. I will inherit the Triovawn company which owns the Triovawn hotel, Trivawn five star resort, Tawn resturant, Ratrio mall and RT factory. I should prepare for my future but now I should try to get some sleep. 

I heard someone knocking so I was startled. "Come in." I said politely. Oh! It is my grannie. She walked in with heavy foot stepd. I suddenly felt that something shocking or bad is going to happen. There was a slow motion in her walk. She was like carrying a message for me. "Good Morning, grannie!" I greeted to lessen the tension that is starting to fill up the room. "Good Morning to you too!" she said seiously and dryly. "So what's up?" I asked because I'm so tensed. "I want you to practice running the company for only two days then I want you to get married." she said. "Wow! How simple....Wait. Get married?" I said with a surprised expression. "I won't be ready  in just 2 days." I exclaimed. "You can. If you'll just focus, you will learn how to run the company. " she insisted. "No!" I shouted. "You were the valedictorian and you finished your course easily." She said trying to boost my guts. "Mother, do not force her!" My mother shouted while trying to deffend me from my grannie."You'll start tomorrow." Grannie said to me. I prepared for it because it is important. 

The next day I  woke up early. I took a shower. I wore a white tank top,black blazer, black office skirt and black pumps. I used my  black Chevrolet. I saw my grannie waiting for me in front of the entrance. We walked in the building. It has red carpet on the  floor, metalic gold paint for the walls and great furnishings. Everyone greeted us. I some of the employees whispering at one another. I saw some who shows that they are curious about me. I saw some familiar faces that I saw when I visited before. When we reached my office, my grannie told me to sit at an empty desk. Soon my grannie handed me a bunch of keys. "Go to the storage room in the factory and count the stocks left. Go to the room filled with files, fix them in alphabetical order and see who were the top customers. Go to the resort, check the facilities, the work of employees, chech the rooms, get some comments from all the people there, hear about suggestions and give this letter to the manager. Go to our resturant, count the available dishes, give suggestions for the menu, check their work, check if there are food that were being spoiled, check the facilities and stock room and check the lockers of the employees. Go to our mall, check the files, facilities, employees, get the report about the customers if they are increasing or decreasing and get suggestions. Plan for the new launching that will take place in one month. Go to the Marketing department and tell them to plan a new way to advertize us. Talk to these people in the list about their investing. Can you do those?" Grannie asked. "OF course I'll do my best." I said. 

I went to our factory and counted the stocks left. It was clean there beecause our stocks are there. There were many big brown boxes. They were dis arranged so I did'nt know where to start. It took me 2 hours and 37 minutes to cout them all. I fixed the dusty files in the file room. It was hardto arrange them from A to Z. I checked the top customers that made me shocked."Wow are they addicted to our businesses!" I said to myself. I finished after 3 hours. I went to our resort and checked everything. I asked all the people there. It took me 1 hour to finish my rounds. I finished the tasks in the resturant in 1 hour and 27 minutes. I counted all the files about the number of custoers who visit the mall daily. I cheked everything and finished after 1 hour. I planned the lunching so the next scenes are funny. You ca find me rushing from my office to different places and departments in the company. It took me 1 hour to do the plan. I talked to the marketing department for 1 hour and went to my grannie. "I finished all the tasks. Here are the reports." I said while placing the folders filled with the reports filed alphabeticaly.  Computerize these for the reports for the week. I encoded all after 30 minutes. "The janitor is sick so I want you to map from th first floor to 3rd floor, feather dust the vases and the frames. Get me a coffee. Count the money earned by the company and deposit them in the bank." she said. I finished all in 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was really tired. That was an over time. I went home and I was knocked out. I slept without eating dinner. The next day I woke up early and took a bath. I got dressed as fast as I could. I drove to the office fast because I overtaked many cars. I saw all the taska on my desk. I encoded a new report that took me 5 hours to do then the next task was for me to go to spa. "Hahahaha! Maybe grannie wasn't hard after all." I said to myself.  I went to my favorite spa. Well the cupon says experience all the treatment so that is what I did. I had so much fun there. Oh tomorrow will be a something. I can't wait for it. I slept early at that night feeling really exhausted.

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