We can be friends

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I woke up. I just woke up. Nothing more. I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. 

"What are you cooking?" Shon asked that made me jump back and cut myself. 

"Ouch!" I screamed as I saw blood flowing.

The cut was not very deep but it produce blood enough to scare me. 

"Shit!" he mumbled under his breath.

"Does it hurt?" he asked as he grabbed my finger.

"Nope, so why don't you try and find out if it hurts. Of course it hurts you moron!" I shouted at him. 

"Look, Rachelle, I'm sorry." he said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Come on let's get it cleaned." he said with a worried tone and pulled me to the faucet.

He got the first aid kit and aided the cut. 

"So how are you?" he asked looking at me. I just looked at the other way to avoid his gaze.

"I'm fine." I said continuing to avoid his gaze and tried to end the conversation.

"So....." he said trailing off.

"So......." I mimicked still looking away.

"Have you decided?" he asked.

"Not really but I've removed one already from the choices." I said with a shrug.

"So you plan to minimize the choices until two are left then you just picck your bet?''  he asked.

"Ummm..... I guess." I said with a shrug.

"I should go now." I said as I stood but I was pulled back.

"Please give me a chance." he said and I sighed.

"I don't know....." I said trailing off.

"Please let me prove myself." he said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked looking at him trying to read his mind.

"Let's go out tomorrow?" he asked.

"Let me think about it first. I'll tell you my answer later." I said to him.

"Well at least it's not a no yet." he said and with that I continued cooking.

After cooking, I went upstairs to wake Austin.

"Hey! Breakfast is-" I started but I was cut oof when he pulled me into a bear hug.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him.

"I like it like this." he said hugging me more.

"They might get thewrong idea if they see us." I said quirking an eye brow at him.

"Let them." he said giving me a kiss on my forehead/

"I have to tell you something." I said and there was silence. He opened his eyes and stared at me. His eyes were blue. How cute? He's so cute that I wanted to stay like this. I guess his mind is still processing everything. "What?" he asked with wrinkling his forehead. "Shon asked me out and I need your opinion." I said to him. "You can do anything you want." he said and then... ''but I'll be jelous." he continued. "Okay. I won't" I said and he hugged me more.

I went to Shon's room.

"So have you decided?" he asked.

"Yes but I can't. Sorry." I said.

"It' okay. It's him right?" he asked with a hurt tone.

"Who?" I asked.

"Austin, right? You'll pick him right?" he asked.

"Oh...... I'm not sure yet. We can be friends right?" I said with a shrug. He just nodded.

"I'll go." I said and walked out.

Am I really going to pick Austin. Should I pick him over other the others? Do I show it too much? those were the thoughts in my head as I walked back to my room. I stayed there and everyone got worried so they all tried to get in but I only let Austin in secretly. I really don't know. I did not tell him what happened and what kept bugging my mind. We just ate ice cream and watched a movie. He and I cuddled together and I felt everything was perfect.

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