Chapter 14

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Anna's POV

After I had explained the whole 'Jack Frost' story to Kristoff, I went to relax. I was laying in bed while Kristoff took a shower. I thought about my sister and Jack Frost. Was something going in between them?

"Are you okay, Anna?" Kristoff broke through my train of thought when he came into our room.

"What? Oh, yeah. I was just thinking." I rolled over to look at him, "Do you think Elsa has a 'thing' for Jack Frost?"

" I don't really know, since I haven't actually seen him yet," Kristoff said with a funny tone in his voice. I laughed and threw a pillow at him.

"Just, the way they look at each other. It seems like Elsa really likes him."

"Maybe she does, I mean, they do have a lot in common."

"Okay Mr.SassyPants, hurry up and get to bed!" I said playfully. Kristoff threw the pillow from earlier back at me and I giggled.


Elsa's POV

Jack and I returned to Arendelle.

"Thank you for helping me save Anna and Kristoff," I hugged Jack, "it really means a lot."

"It was no problem, I kind of owed you anyway." Jack gave his charming half smile and shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you gave me a place to stay out of the kindness if your heart."

"Well, you're special," I smiled, wait, did I just say that?

"Special?" Jack questioned

"Uh, y-yeah. You know, your powers," whew, nice save Elsa.

"Oh, right," He chuckled.

"It's pretty late, we should hit the hay," I said, realizing it was almost 2 in the morning.

Jack laughed, "Goodnight Elsa." He lightly kissed my cheek, then went to his room. I stood there for a moment processing through my mind what had just happened. I smiled and went to my room.

Goodnight, Jack Frost, sweet dreams.

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