Dally X Reader

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   Death is Dallas Winston

Warnings: Motorcycle riding without gear is mentioned, distracted driving, and slightly sexual actions. No sex though. Please ride motorcycles and dirt-bikes with proper gear. You have been warned.


   The roaring beneath you kept you focused. You hadn't really thought about stealing anything before, but the beautiful black motorcycle had been leaned against the wall of an alley way. Sure, someone was probably going to try and get it back but you didn't care in that moment.

   You had always been fascinated by the idea of motorized bikes. A motorcycle was all you really needed in your life. The rush of wind through your hair, the warmth of the bike under you, and the feeling of freedom was like a drug to you. It was like flirting with death in the most seductive way. A boy called out your name as you passed the DX.

   Speaking of flirting with death...

   Dallas Winston flagged you down. He had a drink in his hand and a cigarette between his teeth. He threw the drink against the nearest wall and started over to you. You'd been together a few times and maybe today was one of his more caring days.

   You spotted Steve working on a car and Soda was outside, too. They saw you and Soda nodded in your direction; a simple greeting.

   "The hell are you on?" Dallas' blue eyes stared you down. You scoffed. He took a drag of his cigarette before flicking it away. You watched the closest thing to a shooting star you'd ever seen crash against the ground.

   "A motorcycle." You stated like it was obvious. He glared and removed your left arm from the handle. He pushed up your sleeve and looked for any signs of substance abuse. You weren't on drugs and he knew that.

   "What kind of drugs are you on? Or are you just stupid?" He sounded slightly pissed. What was his deal? You noticed his hand had the silver ring he rolled a senior for. He and Sylvia must be apart again. You knew Sylvia and it was no surprise he must have found out about her sleeping around.

   "I'm living life. What's it to you?" You sat on the bike waiting for him to do anything. Was he really trying to tell you riding was dangerous? Shoot, more people get killed in rumbles than on motorcycles. Well, to be fair, there were a lot more rumbles than motorcycles in this town.

   "You're being stupid. This thing is a death trap and you're gonna end up the prey." Dallas stared you down. He was pushing your buttons in all the right ways. He knew what he was doing, too.

   You stood up and got as close to his face as you could without him backing up. You whispered the words in a low tone, "You know me better than that, I'm never prey. I'm the predator."

   There was the dangerous look in his eyes you had been waiting for. You sat back on the bike and had your legs a bit farther apart than they had been. Dallas took notice and you jerked your head in the direction behind you.

   "Hop on, Winston." You stated. He scoffed before straddling the bike. He placed his hand around your waist and picked his feet up. You started the bike up again and headed off in any direction.

    You were going at a normal speed and the road wasn't bad. It hadn't rained in a week so the road wasn't wet and not many people were out. It was nearly night and the streetlights were coming on. Dally's thumbs were rubbing circles on your sides. Even over the rumble of the engine you could hear his voice like the world was quiet.

   "Go faster." He let his lips linger close to your ear and you almost felt him growl over the feeling of the bike. Flirting with death alright.

   You sped up down the straight stretch. This road would take you straight through a part of Texas and into Louisiana. For a road like that, it was abandoned.

   You felt his lips attach to your neck and he softly nipped at the flesh. God, he was going to get you both killed.

   He played with you like this sometimes. He would comment about you doing something stupid or irrational then join in. That was just him, but sometimes he carried a different feeling when he joined you. It was strange how he pulled on your emotions, but somehow it was his way of showing you he cared. You didn't mind how he showed it, as long as he didn't hit you. You knew he wouldn't, but still.

   "Dallas..." You let out a small warning. He found your soft spot and you sped up. The harder he bit down the faster you would go. You felt him scoot closer to you on the bike and he stopped rubbing circles in your hips. It was a second before you felt his hands run down to your thighs. He squeezed them slightly.

   "I thought you were the predator, Y/n." He mumbled it against your flesh but you heard it. There was an adrenaline rush flowing over you and boy, he had it too. The only thing you need to know about Dallas- He's extremely seductive when adrenaline is running through his veins.

   "I might be the predator, but you're still an Alpha." You almost fell of the bike when he went back to your neck's soft spot. Waves of, what felt like, lighting rolled down your body. You tried not to toss you head back because, a.) you'd hit Dallas and he'd get pissed and b.) you were on a motorcycle.

   You turned the bike around and headed back toward the DX. If Dallas wanted you to go anywhere else, he'd tell you. His hands were under your shirt by now and he was gripping your sides. He'd gotten bored with your thighs.

   You showed up at the DX with your face burning and every part of your existence was trying not to show Dallas how much you liked that. He pecked the side of your head and got off.

   "I'll call you later." He still had that dangerous look in his eyes. He slipped of his silver ring and flicked it in the air.

   He usually did this. He'd mark his girl's with his ring. He did it with Sylvia, but you'd see her slip it off sometimes and hook up with a random. You never would, but Dallas would sometimes take it back out of the blue. He was as moody as you could be. You caught the ring and slipped it on your finger.

   Soda and Steve had already laid eyes on the big purple and pink mark on your neck as you pulled away from the DX. The ring being back on your finger felt normal and you sped up with the wind in your hair.

   Death had you in his grip, but you weren't letting him have all the control. After all, he might be the Alpha, but you were still a predator.

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