Dallas X Reader

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   I Don't Like 'Em

Warnings- It's cute.

Note- Requested.


   The pink demon in front of you turned in her sleep and you flinched. You were so close to falling asleep, you could taste it. Your eyes burned with tiredness and the effort of keeping them open. You don't remember sleeping in the last four days. When did you last sleep? It felt like it had been years. Your eyes closed for a split second and you waited for the crying to wake you. Nothing. Only silence.

   You had been babysitting your niece for four days. Your brother was paying you to take care of his daughter for an entire week while he was on vacation. You understood why he needed one so badly. You'd only been around Rosie for four days and you were ready to die. You felt yourself fall into a light sleep. Oh, finally. It had been days and you were so exhausted. Rosie was a fussy baby who needed constant assistance. You'd never met anyone who need to use the bathroom so much. She was only two months old, so you weren't that mad at her for shitting on herself every hour. It was like clock-work.

   The doorbell rang. Your eyes snapped open just in time to see Rosie's bottom lip quiver before she burst into tears. You were ready to cry, too. You had to leave Rosie in her crib, since you were too tired to properly move. You stumbled through the hall and into the living room. You fumbled with the door handle for a minute. You opened it to reveal a smiling Dallas Winston.

   "What's that noise?" Dally scrunched his face up and looked through the door. The living room was around the corner, so he couldn't see her. You pulled Dallas inside and shut the door back. You practically dragged him into the living room. He caught sight of Rosie and grimaced too.

   "Help me." You pleaded. He looked down at the baby and back at you. You batted your eyelashes at him, but it didn't work that well. Dallas shook his head and made a frustrated face.

   "I don't like kids. I just-ugh." Dallas rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his grease-less hair. You made a funny stuttering noise and grabbed his hands.

   "You don't have to like her. You just have to let me sleep for an hour or even half an hour." You pleaded. "Please, Dallas?"

   "Fine. Alright, go to sleep." Dallas waved you off and you collapsed on the couch, instantly asleep. You felt like you were hearing everything underwater. It felt like you weren't really sleeping, just shutting down your mind. You felt yourself being yanked from your dreamless sleep and into the real world. You didn't fight it.

   When you awoke, you'd never expected what you saw. Dally had Rosie's pink blanket throw over his shoulder. He was holding Rosie in one arm and feeding her a bottle with the other. She was happily accepting it. He barely looked tired. Rosie pushed the bottle away with her hands and he sat it down. Her bottom lip never quivered like it did when you feed her. She'd cry and scream the entire time while you burped her.

   Dallas barely patted her back before Rosie burped. She squealed excitedly and began to paw at his face. He sat her on his knee and bounced her up and down. She seemed to like it, but he merely looked bored.

   "I'd say I was dreaming, but I'm too tired." You were smiling at him. He rolled his eyes again and smiled a bit. He looked down at Rosie, who was giggling as well as she could. He didn't seem enchanted by her, but he wasn't acting as revolted as before. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. The once bright room was dark and only had one lamp on. You glanced at your clock. It said 8:47 pm. It was somewhere around 2 pm when Dally got there.

   "I said just let me sleep for an hour or so. Jeez, Dal." You said. He shrugged and placed Rosie into her crib. She was watching him move around with big, round, eyes.

   "Did you seriously just complain about getting sleep?" Dallas raised an eyebrow and you scoffed. He smirked a bit and looked into the crib. "What's her name and whose baby is she?"

   "Her name is Rosamund, but we call her Rosie. She's my brother's daughter. He's on vacation, so I'm taking care of her until he gets back." You leaned forward to look at her. Dallas was pushing her teddy-bear closer to her. You wondered why, but never asked.

   "Funny. I thought she looked like a Carly." Dallas said. You knit your eyebrows together.

   "Her mother's name is Carly. So, you're close." You stated. He laughed and got up to sit by you. You put your legs over his and leaned back against the arm-rest of the couch. Dallas pecked your lips and rested against the couch.

   "I didn't think you could keep her quiet for so long. Well done," You complimented him. He scowled and looked away. You grabbed his hand, but he didn't move to push it away. You'd struck a nerve or something along those lines. You sat in silence for a good minute.

   "I had younger siblings. Back in, uh, New York." Dally clenched his jaw but pushed on. "My old man was good for nothing and I learned pretty quickly how to take care of them. I was around five or something and my twin siblings were a couple months old. I kept them alive when all he did was drink."

   You were speechless. He'd never talked about New York around you. He might causally mention how crappy it was up there, but he never mentioned anything personal. You squeezed his hand to let him know you were listening. You didn't know what to say, so you just sat there.

   "It sucked, man. I didn't like kids that much after that. I just kept seeing my siblings in every kid's face." Dallas was looking at Rosie in a funny way. Her little blonde tufts of hair were pushed back out of her face. She was too young for her eye color to be prominent. You were betting they'd be blue, just like her parents.

   "I'm sorry. How come they don't come around here?" You asked. Dallas shook his head. He wasn't going to answer that and you knew. You could only think the worst. Rosie whimpered and Dallas picked her up again. She calmed down automatically and gurgled her thanks to him. You stood up to go to the kitchen.

   "How does food sound? I can make pizza or spaghetti." You stopped in the door-facing of the living room and kitchen. "Which one do you want?"

   Dallas shrugged and you decided on spaghetti. You wondered what had happened to Dally's family, but you thought better of being so curious. You figured if it was any of your business, he would tell you. Since it wasn't, you put it out of your mind. Rosie was giggling loudly and you bit back a smile. For a guy who didn't like kids, he sure was good at taking care of them.

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