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Hey guys!

To start off, I'd like to say, thank you so much for every single person who has read this! The support means so much to me! I also want you to know, this is a safe place for anyone who ships anything, and in no way do I want to bring anyone down. I hope anyone who reads this knows that they are all welcome here, despite their opinions!

Second, this is the official place to put any requests for a ship you want me to give my personal opinion on! Just come back here whenever you have a request, and I will do it! Don't be scared because you think I won't agree with you, because even if I do not, that won't change my opinion on you as a person, nor will I bring you down for something you like. If you want, feel free to post your own opinion of the ship with the request, I'd love to hear how you think!

Hope you all have a good day...or night....or afternoon....or.....well, have a good something!

well, have a good something!

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