Flowey X Frisk

762 19 17





I'm just confused with this one.

I mean I guesssss you could have a reason for it, despite it being a realllllllly big stretch.

Reason why someone might ship it:

Frisk is the only one who seems to be capable of finding good in Flowey. (Well you could say that about Papyrus too, but I think that he just believes good is in everyone.)

Reasons why I don't ship it....

Reason one:

It's a flower that was pumped with determination that had absorbed monster dust dating a human child with time manipulation abilities.... um.... in my opinion....not exactly a good mix.

Reason two:

Again.... Frisk is a human CHILD. Yes, Flowey is Asriel and Asriel is a child, but Flowey is basically an emotionless vessel, he doesn't have any Asriel left in him, the Asriel he once was is long since gone, so Flowey is basically an adult, considering how old his Flowey embodiment most likely is.

Reason Three:

I feel like I've said this about a thousand times, but I'll say it again. They aren't the same species, I am not one for crossbreeding, so yeah.

But, of course, if you ship this, no hate towards you, I just personally do not agree with this.

And I believe that this ship is yet another one that was just made for pornography.

Ship Rating:


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