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Hi guys! It's Gabi so, Sarah and I decided that even though we don't really like writing fanfic that much,  we still love writing together but yeah. Anyway, this is a cashby/kellic that will be coming soon after we finish Operation Friendzone. Anyway, drop a comment, let us know what you think and if you're excited or not. Here's a little teaser. 

Kellin's POV

"I don't really know how long I've been like this," Alan said, fidgeting with the button on his sleeve, turning it left, then right, then left again. I watched him for a moment as he did, my pen perched over the notebook, ready to take notes whenever he said something I thought we needed to discuss. "I just always remember it being there, you know? I mean, I'm sitting here wondering, did I turn the lights off when I left the apartment? Did I lock the doors? Is Vic home to make sure that if I did forget to lock the door nothing would happen?" He asked, looking at me with wide eyes, his leg now bouncing quickly.

"What's the worst case scenario if the door is unlocked?" I asked him, arching an eyebrow.

"Someone could break in, steal, the lady next door never really liked me so she'd probably do something. What if Vic is home and he didn't lock the door then someone could kill him or something? What isn't the worst case scenario."

"What if," I start. "Nothing happens?"

"But you don't know that, but something almost always happens."

"What's happened before?" I asked him.

He stopped a moment, tapping his finger on knee three times, pausing then doing it again. "We were robbed once because I forgot to lock the door."

"Was it because you forget to lock the door?" I asked, writing down a note about his finger tick.

"If I would have locked the door we wouldn't have been robbed." He said doing the tapping again.

"How would that have stopped it?" I questioned. "What if they still robbed you and kicked the door in?"

"No, no, no." He said shaking his head, "No, no... No."

"Alan," I said. "Robberies aren't really something you can prevent, think about that. Now, with the light, if you didn't turn it off when you left, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"A bulb blows out and it sparks and the building starts on fire and what if Vic's there then he dies in a fire."

"Vic can take care of himself," I hummed and scribbled something else down. "But if it did, there are other people in the building as well who could call the fire department, not to mention smoke alarms."

"I know, I know, I know... but what if the alarms don't go off." He said squeezing his eyes, "Off, off."

I wrote the repetition down. "Do you change the batteries like you're supposed to?"

His eyes grew wide, "I don't know."

"Do you remember the last time you changed it?"

"I don't know, I don't know." He said letting out a deep breath, "I don't know. I can't remember."

"Okay," I said, leaning forward and resting my forearms on my knees. "Take a deep breath."

"But I don't know and now there is gonna be a fire because I didn't change the batteries!"

"There's not going to be a fire just because you didn't change them," I said, giving him a look. "Breathe, breathe in for seven seconds, hold for four, let out for six," I told him, looking him in the eye.

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