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Alan's POV

It's been  about a year since Austin had moved to New York and Vic had moved out. It was weird living alone, but I had moved out of the old place and found something new. It was a bit actually a house and  was closer to my work so I didn't have to worry about driving too far. Plus I wanted Wallie to have his own little yard. I had fixed myself a lot since I've been alone. It gave me a lot of time to think and reevaluate myself too. I was actually doing great in life. My job was awesome, my OCD wasn't as severe as it used to be either. I had gotten my license and bought a car and even have been working on a few novels.

Everything in my life was perfect and if Austin was here it would all be way better. I missed him a lot and ever since he moved he didn't seem as happy. We talked every night and he only seemed to complain about how his new job sucked. It didn't turn out as he planned, but he was hoping for something good to happen there. I just wished he would decide to come back to Florida and be with me.

But we were doing fine though we were miles apart. We'd only seen each other twice since the move thought which sucked. I missed him.

I was currently at work going through a lot of emails. It was like any other day here when I showed up. There were emails and a stack of things to read before I could send things off to be published.

My desk phone rang and I answered hearing my secretary's voice.

"Mr. Ashby something was delivered for you."

"Okay, go ahead and send it in."

She came in moments later with a big, beautiful bouquet of roses.

"What the hell?" I said looking at them curiously, "Who's this from?"

"Doesn't say. The delivery guy just dropped them off."


She shrugged and set them on my desk before she left. I stood up and searched for any card or something to give me an idea of who would have sent them but there was nothing.  I sighed and just sat them to the side then got back to work. They were beautiful but I had work to do.

When I finished with my work I grabbed the stack of papers and put them in my bag to bring home. I then grabbed the flowers and headed on home. I had no idea what to do with them.

I got home and just put the flowers on my counter looking at them. They were beautiful and they added a nice touch to my place. It was like they tied the room together.

My phone started to ring and I grabbed it smiling when I saw Austin's name on the screen.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey, how are your flowers?" Austin asked.

I smiled. "I should have known you sent them. They're beautiful."

"Yeah, I can't believe you didn't know."

"I know, I know," I said and leaned against the counter. "What are you doing?"

"Just some stuff for work." He said and heard what sounded like a car honk.

"Work? Why are you outside for work?" I laughed.

"I have to make a run to the bank for my job."

"Oh fun."

"Totally. How was work for you today?"

"Pretty good, I've been busy with getting everything finalized."

"That's fun, hopefully you'll get a break soon."


"Hey, I'm at the bank so I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sounds good, I love you."

Compulsions (Kellic & Cashby)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن