Chapter Eight

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Alan's POV

I sat besides Vic as we waited for Kellin to come get me for my session. I asked Kellin if I could bring Wallie with me because it would be nice to have him there, to relax a little even in a session. Thankfully he said yes. I mean, I knew there was a good chance he would, but I was worried he'd say no.

"How's Quinn?" I asked petting Wallie.

"He's good, we went out to a club again last night," he muttered, sounding exhausted and hungover.

"I know, you didn't text me at all."

"Sorry, I was drunk," Vic said, pushing his sunglasses back on and leaned his head back against the wall, his arms crossed.

"It's okay." I said waiting patiently.

"I'm too old for this shit," he groaned.

"You didn't have to, to, to go out."

"I know but I wanted to," Vic told me.

"How old is Quinn?" I asked him.

"Twenty eight, he's just a few years younger than me."


Vic hummed in response.

I hoped Kellin came out here soon, I didn't want to sit with silence anymore. I felt like Vic and I could barely talk anymore since he's never home. It's always small talk. It was like we were drifting apart. That was something I didn't want to happen. I needed Vic he was one of the only people who stuck around for me, everyone else left a long time ago. Maybe it was something I'd just talk to Kellin about. Maybe he'll give me some ideas on what I could do.

"Alan, Dr. Bostwick is ready to see you now," Kellin's receptionist told me.

I didn't say anything to Vic and just got up taking Wallie with me back to Dr. Bostwick.

"Hey Kellin," I said, walking into my therapist's office and sat down on the couch. "This is Wallie, I'm gonna take, take, take him to this service dog thing so I can take him, him, him anywhere."

"That's good, he's very cute," Kellin said smiling at my dog.

"He's the sweetest too and he sleeps a lot too."

"I bet, so tell me, Alan, has he helped?"

I nodded, "I take him on walks every day which is refreshing. He makes me, me, me feel more secure at night and I haven't checked the locks as often since we got him."

"That's very good then," Kellin told me and wrote it down on his legal pad. "Have you had any panic attacks while you've had Wallie?"

"Not any bad ones, but minor."

"Did he help?"

"Yeah, he comforts me." I said smiling at Wallie.

"That's very good."

"He's great."

"So, what's been going on this past week?"

I shrugged, "Vic's been with his boyfriend, like normal. Then well I slept with Austin and stuff." I said mumbling the last part.

Kellin arched an eyebrow. "And stuff?"

"And, and, and I panicked and showered six times. Then we started dating."

"Six times?" He asked me.

"Three times for for feeling guilty because I wasn't dating him and three times for, for, for feeling guilty cause I liked it so much."

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