Chapter Seven

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Vic's POV

"So, when do I get to meet Quinn?" Alan asked as I made our lunch for the day.

I hummed, stirring the soup lazily. "I don't know."

"Well how long have you been, been, been together exactly?" 

"Um, about three weeks," I told him, crinkling my nose. "Neither of us really keep track for that sort of thing to be honest."

"Do you have a picture of him?" 

"No," I lied. "He hates pictures."

"What!? You have to have, have, have some secret picture or, or, or something."

I shook my head. "No, we haven't take any. He's not really a big picture person." Another lie. Kellin loved taking pictures of us and it was almost killing him he couldn't even risk adding me as his friend on facebook.

"Is he ugly? Is that why you, you, you won't show be a picture?"

"No, he's beautiful, amazingly beautiful. I mean, shit, Al, he's gorgeous."

"That's good." He said.

"He's amazing. Whenever I decide it's time for you two to see each other, you're going to love him too."

"You think?"

"I hope so," I said with a sigh and turned the stove off. "Soup's done."

Alan smiled, "Yum."

"Hope you like lentil soup," I said and ran a hand through my hair. "I hate school breaks."

"Yeah I know you do."

"I don't even have anything to grade anymore," I said with a sigh. "I'm caught up on everything and I have my lesson plans planned out until the end of the school year."

"Then relax."

"I get bored."

"What about your, your, your boyfriend?"

"He works all day," I said with a sigh, getting a bowl of soup for both of us.

"What does he, he, he do?"

"He helps people," I told him, taking my bowl to the table and sitting down.

"How so?"

"He's a doctor, and then he spends time at a group home on weekends helping with things there," I said with a shrug. It wasn't technically a lie, Kellin had to go to a group home about twice a month to be a therapist for the kids there and he did have a PHD in psychology.

"Oh cool."


"How'd you two meet?"

"A mutual friend of ours," I said stirring my spoon around in my bowl as he came and sat across from me. I felt terrible for lying to Alan but Kellin and I couldn't let him know about us yet.


"Yeah, us falling for each other wasn't actually something either of us really thought would happen when we met but I'm glad it happened."

"Falling for each other?"

"Yeah, we're not in love yet, but I think that's where it's headed, Al, I think I'm falling in love with him."

"Really? Well I, I, I have to meet him soon!"

"You will, right now, I want to keep him a secret, I want him to be all mine for just a little longer, I haven't even taken him home to meet my family yet."

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