Chapter Nine

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Kellin's POV

Vic let out a sigh and looked up at me. We were currently at my apartment and Vic had his head in my lap as we waited for Justin and Vic's friend Tony to get back with our dinner.

"That was a dramatic sigh, Darling, what's up?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

"I feel like a terrible friend."

"What's going on?"

"I've never kept anything from Alan before," he admitted. "And I don't know, I can't even look at him without feeling guilty."

"Then tell him."

"I don't know if he's going to take it well right now. Especially considering we're in the middle of an argument-thus the reason I'm avoiding him."

"You both need to stop avoiding each other and just talk."

"I know," he groaned. "But it's weird. We're not even home at the same time. When I'm there, he goes to Austin's and when he's there, I'm here."

"That's annoying."

"I know. But he's still mad and I'm still irritated."

"Babe, you two have to talk."

"We will," he said and sat up, crossing his legs under him.

I hummed and leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Wanna hear some wise words from Dr. Bostwick?"

He groaned, "No, but I should hear some. What is it?"

"I think that you keeping this secret, our secret from Alan is doing more harm than good. Alan feels like you're ashamed of him and you can't look him in the eye much less be around him without feeling like a piece of shit. So, I think, for your relationship to get better, you need to come clean about us."

"Okay." He said, "We'll talk."

"Good, I think it'll be better for both of you and maybe it'll make our relationship stronger. I mean of course, Alan might stop coming to see me for therapy but maybe that'll be a good thing," I rambled.

"He can't stop seeing you. He likes you and is actually getting better. The others sucked."

"I know, he's told me but maybe it's for the better. And maybe, we'll be friends and he can always come to me then."


"So, when are you going to talk to him?" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

"I think, we need to talk and then, maybe let things calm down between us and once we're good again. I'll tell him, I still need to figure out what I'm going to say," he said and moved so his head was back in my lap. "I mean, I can't exactly go and say hey Al, I've been screwing your therapist for the last month-surprise!"

"Well go about it gently and don't freak out if he does."

"I won't, I'll keep my cool besides, you'll be there," he said simply and gave me a charming smile. I stopped, my hand mid-air as I was about to run my fingers through his hair once again.


"You have to be there. You are my boyfriend and he wants to meet you."

"But, do you think that's a good idea?" I asked, nervous.

"Yes, I think if I tell him and he takes it well then that's good, but if not I need you."

"Why? Because I can calm tensions?" I asked with a nervous, bark of a laugh.

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